Fu Jin Yan rubbed Tang Jin SE's soft and deceitful red lips with his fingertips, just like the whispering and erotic volume between lovers, but when he said something, every sentence hit Tang Jin SE's weak self-esteem.

Tang Jinshe: "..."

His words have been so unpleasant.

Sharp as a knife, every word, every word, are ruthlessly inserted into their chest.


It's as if after that, breathing became a disaster.

Tang Jinshe's face was ugly and white, and his lips were clenched, as if he wanted to break it but didn't know it.

"It seems that there are many places for you to learn from the club ladies in the future, such as how to laugh happily and sing beautifully..."

Tang Jinshe stared, clenched his fingers, and then gathered all the pain and despair!

"Remember, if you don't want to really go to the club to study and expose your next lover identity, then you'll close your mouth and stop talking and telling other women about my relationship!"

As Fu Jinyan said this, he reached out his hand and pinched the slender waist of the woman in front of him without any pity. In his mind, there was a picture of the cold feeling that the woman ignored him and rejected him to other women

She's really tough.

On ruthlessness.

Maybe outsiders think they are indifferent to this woman.

However, this woman's words and deeds can easily push herself to hell.

It's hard to reincarnate.

She is the most ruthless person.

It's just not known.

Then he leaned over Tang Jinshe's ear and said, "because you are not worthy!"

Hearing this, Tang Jinshe wriggled his lower lip and tried to explain

But words to the lips, but how can not explain.

Because men's indifferent words ring in their ears.

"Don Kinsey, my shame on you has just begun."


At night, the black man couldn't see his fingers.

Out of the window, the cold night wind, like the call from hell.

And just as he let go of Tang Jinshe's grip and turned around to leave, there was a dull "poop" behind him

Fu Jin's words are sluggish.

Then he turned around to look at it again. When he saw Tang Jinshe lying on the ground, curled up in a huddle, his cold eyes soon caught a trace of irony.

"You are so easy to cheat when I am Fu Jin Yan, and you will believe that you are such a lying corpse pretending to be dead and full of sympathy?"

Fu Jin Yan let out a cold hum from his nostrils. It's obvious that he didn't pay Tang Jinshe for his sudden fainting

After waiting for a while, seeing that Tang Jinshe still couldn't get up behind him, Fu Jin Yan gave a cold glance and planned to go to the bathroom again to wash his sticky body.


"I'm cold!"

"So cold..."

A murmur came from the floor.

After hearing the words, Fu Jin Yan couldn't ignore them completely, so he twisted his eyebrows and walked to Tang Jin se, who was curled up in a group

Fu Jinyan thought that Tang Jinshe was pretending to be ill. But when he saw Tang Jinshe's tight, wrinkled, white face in cold sweat, his pupils were shocked and he realized something was wrong!

"Tang Jinshe? Jin se

He whispered a few times, but in response to him, there were only a few tuneless murmurs of Tang Jinshe, who had fallen into chaos.

Seeing this, Fu Jin Yan had to put his hand on Tang Jin SE's forehead.

Then a hot and hot temperature quickly reached his palm through skin contact

How can it burn so badly?

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