It may be that the nerves have been stretched for too long, and Huoxi didn't fall asleep long after lying in bed.

It was getting dark outside, and the bedroom door clicked softly. Then the door was opened, and the man came in swinging his drunken body and went straight to the woman's bed.

In his dream, Huo Xigang just noticed something strange. Before he opened his eyes, the heavy body of the man fell down on her, and the smell of wine and the strong breath of the man lingered on the tip of her nose.

Huoxi frowned and pushed the man away, but he could not. The drunk man was heavy.

"Go away, you are pressing me!" Huo Xi just woke up, the brain is still in a state of confusion, raised his hand heavily hit the man's shoulder, snapped a crisp sound, shocked Huo Xi's sleepiness are awake three points.

"Hoxi, that's it. Don't move." The man's voice is hazy. He clasps his hands around the girl's waist. The tighter he tightens them, it seems that he wants to integrate her into the blood bone.

His face was buried in the girl's chest, his voice was very tired and soft, and his breath was full of burning wine: "let me lie down for a while, on you for a while."

Huoxi didn't know if he was going to sleep, so she was pressed by him. When he woke up, she would only have half of her life.

"You start for me! Looking for a human flesh mat to find Huo Xinrong, isn't she your heart love? Don't touch me! "

Huoxi tried to push his arm away. His hand was as hard as steel. At last, he was impatient. The man turned over with her. He lay on the bed with his back, and she lay on him.

The man's pincers like arms are still firmly locked in her waist, but Huo Xi still can't leave. His head is on his chest, and his strong heartbeat is heard in his ears.

The man opened his blurred and deep eyes, and his eyes fell on the scar on her neck and jaw. His fingers stretched out unconsciously and touched her gently.

Huo Xi was tickled by him, and he was even repelled by him. He sneered sharply: "why, do you want to see if the scars on me left by Huo Xinrong are ugly enough? When you find so many people to block me in the alley and fight with each other, you may think that you should punch me more in the face at that time. If I destroy my face, you don't have to worry about it, do you? "

The man's dark eyes flickered slightly, and the pain of his heart reached his fingers. He even dared not touch them again. His voice was hoarse and low: "Huo Xi, I will not do that again."

He will not hurt her again, nor will he let Huo Xinrong hurt her again. No one can do it. She is his and can only be his forever.

His deep eyes color with a layer of invisible soft light, voice also soft up: "you don't leave, OK?"

Huo Xi was shocked and subconsciously thought that the man was playing a trick on her. She struggled twice and asked in her eyes: "what do you want to do? In order to force me to apologize to Huo Xinrong, have you started to be so useless? Lu Sheng, you've used this skill before. Don't you feel disgusted? "

Let her be soft hearted, and stab her in the back. He can really play with her. She has to cooperate with him?

The man's half drunk eyes showed a trace of startling pain, and it was the face of suffering, the voice was cold: "Huo Xi, I didn't ask you to apologize to her."

He just wanted her to stay, stay with him, not go anywhere.

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