Li zewen reaches out to block the door. He can't get in, but if he wants, she can't.

His voice was very gloomy, with anger that was easy to detect: "are you pretending to be stupid with me? My people tell me that you have brought a man to live with you. Xu Jingwen, do you think I'm dead

"Who do I have to do with you? Let go! " Xu Jingwen slams the door, but it can't be closed.

Her strength is no match for a man.

"It doesn't matter!" Li zewen's face twisted and his eyes were sinister. "You've been with me for so many years, I haven't even stepped into your house. I've paid so much for you. I'm just being calculated for the live broadcast. You take the man to live in your house immediately?"

"Xu Jingwen, I shouldn't have cooked frogs in warm water at the beginning. I thought that one day you would see my kindness to you and fall in love with me, but now I find out that I'm wrong. I should have taken you earlier, so you don't even have the chance to refuse me!"

Men are more and more powerful and may break in at any time.

Xu Jingwen was scared. She never found that Li zewen could be so arrogant. He had been pretending in front of her all these years. If she didn't have that person in her heart, maybe he would be cheated by this pair of leather bags and false good ones.

"You let go. I'll call the police if you don't let go!" Xu Jingwen stares at the man in front of her coldly. If she had not been him, she would not have been deceived. She personally hands over her favorite person to them.

"Alarm?" Li zewen's merciless sarcasm, "Xu Jingwen, I found out that you are naive. Don't want me to do anything to the man inside. Leave with me at once. Otherwise, you know, even if it's emperor Laozi, I can make him never turn over! "

Although the Li family can't be compared with the big families in K City, they have a lot of power. It's not easy to take someone away quietly or let someone disappear.

What's more, the background of Li's family is not as clean as it is on the surface, which irritates him. He can do anything.

"Li zewen!" Xu Jingwen panicked, and her body trembled with fear. "Don't mess around, do you really think you can do what you want?"

Li zewen smiled grimly, grabbed Xu Jingwen's hand and said firmly, "then you have a good look. Can I do what I want?"

During this period, Li zewen is going crazy.

The woman he wants has never been so difficult to deal with. Xu Jingwen is the first one who let him touch the wall so many times.

He thought that he had done so much for her and could get her sincerity. Now it seems that she is too disrespectful!

"You let me go, Li zewen. Are you a robber? Let go of me! " Xu Jingwen panicked. Li zewen had exhausted his patience and almost dragged her out of her hand.

Xu Jingwen couldn't resist his strength at all. She was dragging her body to the ground.

The door behind him was suddenly opened, and a black figure came out, kicking Li zewen in the stomach.

Li zewen was so strong that he kicked him out.

"Ah --"

Li zewen fell to the ground, while Xu Jingwen was cuddled by the man behind her.

Feeling the warm and strong chest, Xu Jingwen's panic was dispelled for the most part. She stood up with the man's clothes, looked up and saw that the man did not wear sunglasses and masks. Her eyes were startled and she subconsciously pulled the man into the room.

Li zewen can't see him!

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