But until noon, Lu Sheng still didn't come back. Huo Xi couldn't find anything to do, so he had to call his brother-in-law.

After returning to the hospital, she didn't tell Gu Yu the news.

Now she doesn't have a credible person around her. Even Lu Sheng, she doesn't know if he will turn his face away.

The only thing she can trust is her uncle.

The phone was soon connected, and Gu Yu's voice came lazily: "how are you doing at Lu's? Did Lu Sheng bully you? "

Hearing his voice, Huo Xi's tears almost came out.

She shook her head and smiled with a choking voice: "no, my brother-in-law, I'm fine, and Lu Changsheng didn't embarrass me."

"In my old days, it would have been nice if I could not embarrass others. If anyone dared to embarrass you, you would use a small notebook to write it down, and then my brother-in-law would take revenge for you, eh?"

Huo Xi almost smiled and nodded, "OK, this is what you promised me, brother-in-law. You can't go against me."

"Of course." Gu Yu's voice is pleasant, as if recent events have developed well.

Huo Xi didn't know whether it was his real reaction or whether he deliberately pretended to be relaxed to let her not worry.

"What's the matter with you?" Gu Yu asked suddenly.

After Huoxi was taken away by Lu Sheng, he didn't call him for many days. He always thought that she was imprisoned by Lu Sheng again.

That man would do this to his own woman.

"Uncle, I am pregnant with Lu Sheng's child." Huo Xi pondered for a moment, and finally decided to speak out.

She thought Gu Yu would be surprised. She even breathed and wondered what kind of response Gu Yu would have.

However, Gu Yu's reaction was unexpectedly calm, as if he had expected it long ago. He said lightly, "do you want to be born?"

Huoxi doesn't know how to answer this question. She has struggled to decide whether or not to have this child. If not, she will be very distressed.

But if she wants to, she feels more entangled with Lu Sheng.

They were already in a mess.

Huo Xi didn't fail to hold other hopes, such as using this child to reunite her with Lu Sheng. After all, there is no real hatred between them. Everything can come back as long as they are willing to step back.

"Well." Huo Xi's final answer was firm. She thought for a long time. If she lost the child, she would regret it. No matter what Lu Sheng did to her, she would leave with the child.

"Good." Gu Yu has always respected her choice. Since she decided to leave her child, he will try his best to protect her.

"Take good care of yourself. In the future, Lu Sheng is not good to you. Tell my uncle that he will take you away at any time. In the future, my uncle will take care of you and your children. Don't worry."

With Gu Yu's assurance, Huo Xi's heart was finally released.

Yes, even without Lu Sheng, her brother-in-law will help her raise her baby together. She is no longer the lonely Huo Xi. Her brother-in-law is back, and she still loves her relatives.

Huo Xi took a sniff. I don't know if she didn't hear her brother-in-law's voice for a long time. Such a bland dialogue can also make her moved.

After chatting with the child for a while, Huo Xi asked Gu Yu about it. He didn't see him for such a long time. He didn't know what he wanted to do or what he had planned. He was worried.

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