"Huoxi, don't hide from me any more. Remember, you can only be mine in your life, and you can only be mine forever."

No matter what happened before, no matter how tortuous the process between them, as long as the result is that they are together.


When Huoxi returned home, everyone had gone to sleep.

She went back to the room to wash and wash casually, then lay down on the bed and began to sleep. In the evening, she had a dream, which was very messy. It seemed that she had dreamed of Lu Sheng, but it was not him.

Until the next morning she woke up with a headache.

"Hoxi, hoxi." Huo Jungui knocks on her door outside. He tries harder than before. It seems that something bad happened. His voice is very anxious.

Huoxi got out of bed and opened the door for her. "What happened?"

Huo Xi looks at the villain standing at the door. She has already finished combing and washing. She is lovely and delicate.

"Why are you starting now?" Huo Jungui didn't understand why she could sleep in every day, while her parents were busy outside every day.

Huo Xi was questioned by one of her villains. He looked embarrassed and defended himself: "I don't work, can't I sleep in?"

Huo Jungui was speechless, took her to wash quickly, and then went downstairs.

"Where are you going to take me?" She was so mysterious that Huo Xi was very upset.

On the bus, Huo Jun GUI lowered his voice and said in her ear, "let's play hide and seek with he dad."

Hide and seek

"Did he ask you to do it?" Huoxi suddenly found that the man was very bored. Would you like to play hide and seek at home? Still running this far?

Where are they going to find him in such a big city.

"Don't worry, I heard where they are going before, and I will find them soon."


"Who else?" Huo Xi thought a circle in his mind, only thinking of his subordinates.

He Mohan will not be bored to play hide and seek with a child with his subordinates, right?

"And a beautiful aunt. I saw them whispering together just now."

Huo Xi: "...!"

"What kind of aunt?" Huo Xi can't help getting nervous. Huo Jun's aunt is not song Jiana, right?

If it's her, is he Mohan sure to play hide and seek with her instead of doing something else?

Just when Huo Xi asked her where they had gone, her cell phone rang.

Lu Sheng calls her.

"Up?" The man's voice came from the receiver in a low voice.

He actually called to say good morning to her. Huo Xi nodded and said, "I'm up."

"Didn't you sleep well last night?"

Huo Xi thought about it carefully, but it shouldn't be that she couldn't sleep well. She slept well, but she had a little more dreams.

"All right."

Lu Sheng hears the sound of a car on her side: "where are you going?"

He guessed that she should be in the car. It's still early. What is she going to do so early?

"Huo Jungui insists on pulling me to follow Play hide and seek with her, but not at home. "

"Here comes hoxi." The car stopped, Huo Jungui hurriedly reminded her.

Huo Xi gets out of the car and is pulled inside by the little guy.

"Where to play?" Lu Sheng asked her.

Perhaps just out of curiosity, Huo Xi didn't think much, looked up at the building in front of her, and then told his name.

Lu Sheng's phone soon hung up, and Huo Xi felt puzzled, but he and Huo Jun went back to find him Mohan and them.

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