"Good!" Huo Jungui thought that the matter had been solved, and her crisis was relieved, and she began to jump again.

He Mohan really can't help her, and I don't know if Huoxi will successfully catch up with Lu Sheng to explain to him.

But judging from the situation just now, it's not so easy for Lu Sheng to forgive her.

What's more, she and he are still nominally legal husband and wife. Even if they behave a little bit more and run to the corridor of the hotel to do that kind of thing, it seems that there is nothing wrong with them except for their unsightly appearance and public order.

Thinking of this, he Mo Han was happy. After coke, he began to frown again when he thought about his woman's situation.

What's all this about?

In the fast-moving maybahri, Lu Sheng drove faster than one of the cars in front of him, leading those who had been overtaken by him to shout or shout loudly.

Lu Sheng doesn't pay any attention to it. His eyes are red as if there is a fire burning. The back of his hand on the steering wheel is full of blue tendons. The world seems to be empty of him.

The mobile phone rings again and again in the car, very harsh.

Lu Sheng wants to throw his mobile phone out of the window for a few moments, and even wants to drive his car to crash into the building. He feels that he is furious at the moment and can do anything.

But in the end he restrained himself.

He never thought that one day he would bump into such a picture. He knew that they were legal couples. Shouldn't they do such intimate things?

But his heart was still a burst of falling pain, like a sharp fingernail hand scratching his heart and lungs, which made him feel numb even breathing.

Blood was boiling all over his body, shouting that it might burst out at any time, leaving no residue of his destruction.

When Huoxi left the hotel, she took a car to follow her. She didn't know where Lu Sheng had gone, so she asked the driver to drive her car to Mingfu pool. She didn't know where to look except that place.

Hospital? Or Lu Jia? She didn't seem to have the courage to go.

You can only go to Mingfu pool first.

She dials the man's phone over and over again, the phone can be connected, but no one has answered.

He refused to answer her phone. Huo Xi was so confused that he had to call again until he was willing to answer.

She didn't know why things were like this. She didn't do anything and didn't happen to him. She hurt him so inexplicably.

I don't know how to explain to him later, but she's not in a hurry. She needs to find him first.

When he arrived at Mingfu pool, it suddenly rained heavily in the sky, and Huo Xi paid the fare and went to their villa.

She ran very fast, thinking that it would not rain, but the rain was bigger and faster than she thought. Before she got to the gate of the villa, she had been drenched into a drowned rat.

She didn't wear many clothes. They were thin. They were so drenched by the heavy rain that everything in them came out.

Huo Xi had to cover his chest with his hands and run to the villa quickly.

At the gate of the villa, there was no shelter. Huo Xi reached out and knocked on the door several times. No one came to open the door for her.

"Lu Sheng, I know you're in there. Could you open the door for me?" She called out the man's name, I don't know if the sound insulation was too good, or if the man didn't care about her, or if he wasn't in it at all.

"Lu Sheng, it's raining hard outside. I......" Huo Xi was choked by accident. Obviously, she didn't drink the rain, and suddenly she was choked and coughed.

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