Maybe she shouldn't have come, but if she didn't, once Lu Sheng gets angry, he will put out their video that night. It's not only her alone, but also her brother-in-law and family that are in danger.

Yes, she came here because of this, not because of compassion.

After Huo Xi's construction in his heart, his answer was firm: "I'm an adult, uncle. I know how to do it."

Gu Yu was silent for a long time. At last, he sighed: "no matter what you do, my uncle will always stand on your side and protect yourself. When I'm not there now, sometimes I can't help it. Don't let anyone hurt you any more."

Huo Xi's nose is suddenly sour. Only her brother-in-law can make her burst into tears in the world.

"I see."

Hang up the phone, Huo Xi took a sniff and came to their former master bedroom.

Push open the door to enter, but Lu Sheng is not in it. She goes into the bathroom and finds that the water in the bathtub is hot, as if it had just been filled.

Did he bathe her?

Huo Xi didn't dare to be sure, but when he looked around, there was no man.

Is he deliberately hiding from himself?

In his eyes, is she now a monster? Do you have to take a detour when you see him?

Huoxi suddenly sneezed. If she continues like this, she will have a bad cold.

She had to turn around and go out to see if there was anything else she could wear in the closet outside.

When she opened the cabinet, she looked at the neat rows of clothes, some of which she had worn before, and the man specially washed them and put them in it.

Some are the latest models of the latest season, each set is full of fashion sense, simple and generous without losing beauty.

Huo Xi chose one casually, went to the bathroom, took off his clothes and lay down.

After a bath, there was still no one outside. It was empty.

Huo Xi looked everywhere, but still couldn't find Lu Sheng. He opened the door and looked out. After the rain, there were still wheel marks left on the ground.

He drove away while she was taking a bath.

Huo Xi was so sad that she couldn't say. When a gust of wind came, she sneezed again. Suddenly, her whole body was cold and her head was heavy.

It looks like a real cold.

She just wanted to call he Mohan to pick him up. It's hard to get a taxi here in such a heavy rain. If she goes out, she may faint before she can get to the driver.

I don't know what happened. Her hand hasn't dialed the phone yet. One of them is unstable, and her mobile phone falls to the ground and becomes several pieces.

Huoxi had to close the door, pick up the mobile phone on the ground, and reassemble it.

The mobile phone didn't break, but it broke and turned off. She was also lazy to restart it. Anyway, it will turn on automatically tomorrow morning.

Dragging her heavy body upstairs, she went back to the bedroom, threw herself on the bed and wrapped up the quilt. She slept heavily, as if to sleep in the dark.

Maybe it's because she drank some medicine. She didn't feel so bad after waking up.

But I still can't lift any strength.

Huoxi turned on her mobile phone and dialed the man's phone again. This time, the phone was connected, but no one answered.

He refused to answer her phone.

Huoxi frustrated and made several more calls, but no one answered, so she hung up and went downstairs to make some food for herself.

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