Gu Yu is holding the child, black face said: "next time in the domestic accident, you will go back with us, never come back."

This seems to be complaining about Huo Xi, but in fact, it is deliberately said to Lu Sheng.

It's not surprising that Gu Yuxin is angry. Every time Huoxi comes back, nothing good will happen.

"Don't worry, I know who did it. I'll cut the grass and root this time. No one will hurt her again." Lu Sheng's tone is cold and murderous.

He blamed himself more than anyone for not protecting her.

Huoxi hurriedly and gently pulled raguyu's clothes, and whispered: "uncle, it's not his fault. It's anyone else. In that case, there's no way to react."

What's more, there's no reason to guard against thieves for thousands of days?

Other people want to hurt you. They don't choose time at all and don't let you be prepared.

Gu Yu stares at her coldly: "up to now you are still talking for him, what did I say about him?"

Huo xiweakly shrunk his head and vomited his tongue.

She is not talking to Lu Sheng, but she has made many enemies in China. No matter who is with her that day, such a thing cannot be avoided.

So how can she put all her faults on Lu Sheng?

Xu Jun put his arm around Gu Yu's neck and saw that Huo Xi's eyes were red again: "Huo Xi, are you ok? Do you hurt? " She saw Huo Xi roll down with her own eyes, and the most daring child was frightened.

Huoxi shook her head. "I'm ok. Don't worry."

"You can't even speak." Xu Jun returns to take a tap, she is very afraid of Huo Xi's accident.

Xu Jingwen looks back and stares at her: "Xu Jungui, Huoxi needs a rest."

Xu Jungui immediately calmed down. She didn't want to disturb Huoxi.

Gu Yu is silent for a long time, can't help but ask: "Huo Xi, who wants to kill you in the end?"

If he catches the man, he will cut him to pieces.

"It's Zhou Yuling."

"Zhou Yuling."

The voices of Huoxi and Lusheng sounded at the same time, and then both looked at each other.

When Huo Xi rolled down the fence, she could see the man's side face clearly. She would not admit it.

Huo Xinrong was sentenced to a reprieve of death. It is impossible to come out. Zhou Yuling is the most hated person in the world.

As for how she did it, no one knows how she was knocked down the fence.

"Is it her?" Gu Yu narrowed his dark eyes slightly, and the bottom of his eyes was cold and murderous. He said with a contemptuous smile, "Wow, I won't go to her, but she sent it to me!"

Lu Sheng stops him: "I'll solve this problem. You don't have to intervene."

His woman, his own guard.

"Without my intervention, are you sure you can kill her?" Gu Yu's eyes are full of distrust. "Besides, you are no longer qualified to do this for Huo Xi."

How many times did he give Huo Xi to him? How could he make him believe that he could hurt her like this?

Lu Sheng looks back at Gu Yu. The provocation and disdain in the man's eyes make him unwilling, but he knows what he should do in the first place rather than fighting with him here.

"Huo Xi has promised to marry me again. Do you think I am qualified?" Lu Sheng confronts him with no weakness.

Huo Xi watched these two people go back and forth in front of her, and looked at Xu Jingwen in a hurry and headache. Xu Jingwen didn't worry too much, but asked if she wanted to drink some water.

"Little aunt, please advise them."

Look at their posture. It's the rhythm to fight!

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