Two days later.

Yinghua Road, mingpinhui gate, downtown.

Tang Jinshe looks up at the low-key and tasteful signboard of famous brands and frowns slightly.

Here, she has been here several times before

But every time, Fu Jinyan brought her.

"Mr. Du, we can just buy a dress at the mall. Why come here to spend money?" Tang Jinshe subconsciously wants to refuse.

She always felt that as long as she stepped into the door of this product exchange, she would meet people she didn't want to see!

"Tomorrow evening you will be the face of Du Hengsheng and Tang Group, so we can't make do with the dress. Otherwise, others will despise our two companies."

After handing over the car key to the welcome, Du Hengsheng came up from behind, with a straight figure and a clear eyebrow, which showed a sinister character, even more elegant under the background of a white suit.

"Wow, he is so handsome! How many streets have you dumped our school's school grass... "

"Hey, why don't you go to chat up and ask him for a wechat or phone number, or I always think it's a pity to miss it!"

"Do you see a lot of idol dramas and only male masters in your eyes? Don't you see the graceful female masters around others?"

"Hurry up, don't drag me to shame!"


A group of girls, dressed in beautiful clothes, walked by the door of mingpinhui.

Tang Jinshe looked at the man beside her with her eyes raised, but her heart didn't give birth to the exclamation just like that group of girls!

Maybe the boys around her from childhood are too handsome and evil, so now, she can be immune to all kinds of handsome guys.

Du Hengsheng is really handsome. Compared with Fu Jinyan, he is obviously inferior

"Well then."

Tang Jinshe thought about it a little, and finally let go.

Mingpinhui specializes in dress customization. Its main service object is the middle and high-end consumers. No matter the materials used or the designers hired here, it is no less than half of the foreign brands!

Although the price of dress is expensive, which is equivalent to the price of luxury goods, she thinks that Du Hengsheng still has the consumption ability

It's hard to be gracious.

Later, she will just pick a dress that looks cheaper.

Thinking of this, Tang Jinshe is going to walk in, but she just raises her legs, and her wrist is caught by the man beside her

"President Du?"

Tang Jinshe turned around, looking like he didn't know why.

Dusk sunset, Du Hengsheng eyebrows with a smile has never been halved: "in private, called Du Zong, is not too born point?"? How about... "

The tone of the man's voice remained unchanged, but there was a little more burning light in a pair of bright eyes.

He looked at a woman in a simple dress with a slight hook on her lips and a firm look on her face: "you can call me Hengsheng, or Du Hengsheng can do it. It's more pleasant than that Du Zong!"

The first step to be close to a person is to plant a seedling in the other person's heart

Then, it is carefully watered and carefully cared for.

Until time, let it grow into a towering tree that can no longer be removed. Then, it is the other party's heart, irreplaceable existence.


Hearing this, Tang Jinshe mumbled for a long time, but did not spit out the two intimate names.

"Sorry, Mr. Du, I'm not used to calling you that!"


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