Words fall, Tang Jinshe wave to Du Hengsheng, then turn around and walk to the house.

The delicate back, covered by a black hair for a third, sways with the wind in the cold moonlight, which is indescribable and touching

"Don Jinse!"

Suddenly, Du Hengsheng's Phoenix eyes, leaning back on the car body, narrowed slightly, suddenly opened their mouth and called out.

Tang Jinshe hears that his pace is sluggish.

"Do you know that you have a charm that other women don't have, which makes men want to approach, explore and pursue!"

In front of the silent gate, Du Hengsheng's voice spread far away.

After a short delay, Tang finally turned around: "thank you for your praise, but to be honest, Mr. Du, if I was a boy, I should also be attracted by myself, and then she won't marry me!"

Usually when men ask this question, women just need to pretend to be stupid.

In front of the gate, there are only two not very bright road finding lights. Tang Jinshe stands against the light, as if the whole person's back is covered with a layer of cool light.

The little red lips on her face give her an extraordinarily bright and moving smile in the dark.

This scene in front of us makes Du Hengsheng's eyes slightly trance.

He suddenly had a kind of love, back to the first love, the first time on the girl's heart.

"Bang Bang Bang! "

This heart, which he thought would not undulate too much, began to throb again today!

Du Hengsheng chuckled: "interesting, I'm really more and more curious about you."

Tang Jinshe also smiled, but when it was an impromptu episode, without saying anything more, he turned around and opened the iron gate

I have to have a good rest tonight. She can handle such a big scene tomorrow.


It's just that Tang Jinshe has not taken a few steps after pushing open the iron gate, and he just meets Lin Wan, who came out of the house.

"Jin se, I'm back at last. I'll talk to your father. I seem to hear your voice..."

Before Lin Wan's words were heard, Tang Jinshe's attention was attracted by the incubator in Lin Wan's hand.

Her mother won't

Do you want her to deliver soup to Fu Jinyan?

In this way of thinking, as soon as Tang Jinshe's face changed, the whole person immediately became highly energetic.

She turned slightly, and Yu Guang caught that the silver sports car not far away had not left

In order to prevent her mother from saying anything that she shouldn't have said, Tang Jinshe, regardless of 37-21, robbed the incubator in Lin Wan's hand, and then went straight to Du Hengsheng's direction.

"For you!"

Just like throwing some hot potato, Tang Jinshe shoved the heat preservation box into Du Hengsheng's hand.

Looking at the man's stunned expression, Tang Jinshe coughed a little, then explained: "this is my mother's soup. It tastes good. You can take it home as a night snack!"

Tang Jinse deliberately said a lot to ensure that it could reach an old mother who was worried about her lungs.

Lin Wan: "..."


"Just when I thank you for taking me to choose a dress today."

At last, added Tang in a whisper.

Not far away, hearing Tang Jinshe's saying that, Lin Wan could only stare at his daughter, but it was not good to really take the heat preservation box back from Du Hengsheng's hands!

Originally stuck in the throat, it can only be swallowed back.

"Then I'll be more deferential than obedient?" Du Hengsheng holds the heat preservation box in his hand, and some are flattered.

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