However, most of them come out with their husbands or fathers as a foil. In terms of business, they naturally don't know much about it and don't need their help

But for all kinds of gossip in the celebrity circle, but all of them are proficient in can be an autobiography!

As they eat dessert, they exchange the latest gossip with each other. The hot atmosphere is no less than that of men who are chatting around the venue.

"Guess if Mr. Fu will have a female companion with him this year?"

"In the past years, Mr. Fu has always been independent and never surrounded by women. But recently, I have heard that Mr. Fu has always been accompanied by a female companion when he attended public occasions two times!"

"I know about this. I saw it with my own eyes when I was at a charity party. Mr. Fu was accompanied by a woman whose name seemed to be It's called Ling Xue. "


One third of the whole eighth floor has been transformed into a huge banquet hall.

Such a venue is no less than the design of banquet hall of any five-star hotel in K city. In K City, only Shengshi group can have such a big hand!

When Tang Jinshe walked into the luxurious banquet hall with Du Hengsheng, he was also shocked by the scene.

How much money is there to open up such a huge but not used banquet hall in our company?

It's the fighter of the local tyrants

After a brief exclamation, Tang Jinshe straightened his back and followed Du Hengsheng's footsteps to the center of the banquet hall.

Today, she comes with the rise and fall of Tang family!

"Isn't this Mr. Du of Hang Seng international? Did he change his girlfriend again, but this time the girl he brought seems to have a lot of temperament! "

"Ah, look, is she wearing plain brocade? For the first time, I saw people wear such a plain dress at a dinner party? But it's really noble. "

"But I don't think Mr. Du's girlfriend is familiar to me. I seem to have met her somewhere, but I just can't think of it for a while..."


The more Tang Jinshe went in, the more voices came to her ears.

Most of these comments are about her

Thinking of this, Tang Jinshe's eyes are slightly drooping, and his smile is more appropriate and dignified.

It seems that this time, it's her passion for Du Hengsheng!

"I remember!"

"Isn't Mr. Du's female companion Tang Zhengqin's daughter, Tang Jinshe, the current general manager of Tang Group? Yes, yes, that's her! Why do I know you so well... "

"Tang Group? Are you talking about the Tang group that won the gold medal in the environmental protection and energy conservation competition? "


People around have recognized Tang Jinshe's real identity.


When Tang Jinshe was doing psychological construction for herself, thinking about how to chat with others and sell Tang's environmental protection materials for a while, a soft breath suddenly came to her ears.

She raised her eyes, just to the beautiful face of Du Hengsheng!

"Don't you have Mr. Du standing here? What can I be nervous about?"

After a moment's stupefaction, Tang Jinshe smiled, with only a faint smile on her face.

"Not bad! If I'm here, what are you afraid of? "

Du Hengsheng smells the thin lips, which means that he speaks with no clear meaning, and a trace of tenderness flashes in the long and narrow Phoenix eyes.

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