With that, Tang Jinshe and Du Tianlin human nodded their heads and then released their arms and turned to the long table filled with snacks not far away.

Get lean with every step.


"Hang Seng, in the past, your mother didn't really want to step in and oppose any girlfriend or woman you made, but this Tang Jinshe can't!"

After seeing Tang Jinshe go far, hu man just opened his mouth and told his son.

"It's hard for you not to hear that Tang Jinshe and Mr. Fu, as well as his family, had an ambiguous triangular relationship..."

At the thought of the gossip in the celebrity circle, hu man's heart became more uneasy.

In her opinion, Tang Jinse's stay with her son is a time bomb, which means that he will blow up their Du family someday!

The relationship in the market is intricate.

The Du family ranks among the top ten well-known enterprises in K City, but compared with the fortune of Fu family, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Some people, they can't offend, they can't afford to.

Thinking of this, human looked at his son '? So you have to keep a distance with her in the future. It's easy to make her a female companion like today. I hope it won't happen again! "

This time, human gave the order to die.

"Dad, you have just seen that Jin se is not the way she is said to be. She is intelligent, kind, hardworking, and knows the world, but not the world. Such a delicate and transparent woman is hard to find in the world Do you want me to give up my mother as she said? "

Hearing hu man's insistence, Du Hengsheng turned his last hope to Du Tianlin.

As long as Du Tianlin can relax his mouth, the whole Du family, including human, the heroine of Du family, will not make any further refutation.


"Hang Seng, how long have you been working in the company? It's time to know the importance of the matter. You know that being with Tang jinsher is tantamount to getting us a big trouble!"

Du Tianlin gives Du Hengsheng a head-on stick.

"I don't dislike her, and even appreciate her perseverance and courage to carry the whole Tang family, but even so, I am against your decision to stay with her, and it will not change. This time, listen to your mother."

Du Hengsheng: "..."

In the banquet hall, the voice of the people was boiling, but the light of Du Hengsheng's eyes disappeared inch by inch, and finally turned into a kind of firmness.

"Mom and Dad, even if you are against it, I just like her. You can't stop it. I can't stop it myself..."

Looking at Hu man and Du Tianlin's frowning and protesting, Du Hengsheng's heart went down. He simply chose to show his cards face to face and made no secret of his most real idea.

"Even if she really has a bad past, even if she is pregnant with other people's children, I, Du Hengsheng, will still like her."

"No one can change that!"


Although it's just a hypothesis, when human and Du Tianlin heard that their son wanted to be with Tang Jinshe, they were really willing to be the green hat pick-up Knight!

Both husband and wife were in the same place for a moment, and they were stunned. They couldn't say a word.

Is this their son?

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