A familiar tone of voice came from behind. Tang Jinshe's eyes were full of color. He flashed a touch of complexity on his face. At the same time, his body had made a response at the first time. He turned around and looked up.


"Aunt, long time no see." Looking at the lady standing in front of her eyes, Tang Jinshe smiled with a light tone.

A dark red dress with wide waist, a black winter cape on the shoulder, a high bun, revealing a ruby necklace falling between the neck

The skin color is white and the maintenance is excellent. Only the light fine lines float on the surface, which indicates that she has already passed the beautiful age of youth.

But compared with three years ago, we can hardly see any changes, still so elegant and beautiful.

Her disgusted eyes are still the same.


"Don jinsher, why are you back? I thought I would never see you in K city. "

Yu Zhenni looks at Tang Jinshe, who is plain and white in front of her eyes. Her beautiful eyes are slightly narrowed, and she has a commanding appearance.

"This is my hometown. The Tang family is here. My roots are here. No matter how far I go, I will return to my hometown." Tang Jinshe, with a polite smile on his face, is not humble or arrogant.

No matter how much she wanted to escape, but here are her relatives, her home, these are the existence that she can never give up

Come back, it's just a matter of time!

"Well, come back! But now Jin Yan and Xiao Xue get along very well. I hope you can have the same self-knowledge as three years ago. Don't mix in with them, and don't move your mind. "



Listening to the cruel words of the warning implied by Zhen Ni, Tang Jinse deserves to be very sharp, without any hesitation.

See this in treasure neon, the bottom of my heart is some not to taste!

It was as if she had used all her strength to prepare for the war, but the other side didn't take the move at all and didn't pay attention to her. She was allowed to fight on the cotton without any echo.

"It's so best to remember what you promised me here today. Don't forget that face is the most important thing for a girl. Stay away from Jin Yan. It's good for you, Jin Yan and everyone! If you want to show your face! "

Yu Zhenni stressed again uneasily.

But Tang Jinshe hears the words, but her eyes are dim

Face is the most important thing for a girl. Stay away from Jin Yan and be kind to everyone

How can she feel so familiar with this scene?

Three years ago at Fu's house, Yu Zhenni seemed to use this sentence to send her away, girl's face.



A man's voice suddenly came from his ear. Tang Jinshe, a stupefied God, dragged himself out of the memory.

"Auntie, what are you talking to Chin se about?"

Later, Lingxue's sweet to greasy tone followed.

After gathering all the differences under his eyes, Tang Jinshe just looked up at them

The black suit, the dark red tie, the straight figure and the little red tied between the neck add some joy to the man that he doesn't usually have.

The outline of the man is still so handsome and clear, covered with cold, but his cheeks are slightly sunken, as if he is a little thin

But Tang did not find that, while she was looking at men, men were also looking at her.

Fu Jin's eyes are slightly restrained, and he stands on the side of Zhenni without saying a word. However, Yu Guang always surrounds the clear figure in front of him.

Don't the woman know about this lady Fu's temper?

I know that I am not pleasant, I don't know how to avoid it, and I'm not afraid to make such a shameful joke on such a big occasion!

In the deep and boundless pupil of a man, there is some fear of duplicity.

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