"I can't say that my wife can help me, but as long as Fu Shao needs me, I am bound to do so."

When Ling Xue said this, she happened to meet Tang Jinshe's line of sight in the air.

She said vaguely and smiled vaguely, especially the sentence "where Fu Shao needs me", which pushed her relationship with Fu Jinyan to the edge of being more sentimental and difficult to guess.

Tang Jinshe never thought that Ling Xue would have anything to do with Fu Jinyan. After all, Fu Jinyan in his school days never looked at Ling Xue more!

Even if Ling Xue is behind her, she is as close as a conjoined twin.


It's a wonderful thing.

For the first time tonight, Tang Jinshe finally dared to look at Fu Jinyan and look at each other with her eyes.

She wants to know whether what Ling Xue said is true

She wants to know whether Ling Xue is really the woman who accompanies Fu Jin Yan now

Looking at the familiar handsome face of the man, Tang Jinshe suddenly thought of the crazy night they had spent in the garden a few days ago.

Breath interaction, sideburns.

It was the man who had the closest contact with her

Thinking about it, Tang Jinshe's heart was blocked up inexplicably. The feeling of being dull and speechless made her at a loss.

"Ling Xue is really a good assistant."

Unexpectedly, Fu Jinyan finally opened a golden mouth. His words were still dim, as if everything was indifferent.

But he didn't speak for a long time, but now because of Lingxue, it seems that his relationship with Lingxue has been covered with a layer of pink shadow again

"President Fu, I didn't expect that you should value me so much in your heart?" Ling Xue is flattered.

A good assistant

Is Fu always praising himself?

It's probably that Fu Jin Yan's words have greatly inspired people's hearts. Ling Xue made a bold move that she never dared to try before, and took the initiative to sit closer to Fu Jin Yan.

Just a little closer, but let Ling Xue excited and exulted, as if to jump out of her throat.

That's right. The main reason why Ling Xue hates Tang Jinshe so much is because of Fu Jinyan.

The man God in the era of learning God, the object of his admiration.

No, it should be the object that all girls in the school adore.

But the beauty once belonged to Tang Jinshe, who envied, envied and hated

Fortunately, three years ago, I didn't know why Tang Jinshe and Fu Jinyan broke up suddenly. Tang Jinshe went abroad and Fu Jinyan was alone.

After graduation, Lingxue is obliged to choose to work in Shengshi group, just to be closer to the precious man in the dream.

After a short frown, Fu Jin Yan gave Ling Xue a light radian: "HMM."

"President fu..."

Lingxue is coquettish and angry. Her eyes are flowing with a floating joy.

When Zhou Ji and his daughter met here, they naturally flattered Ling Xue. After all, it would be a good thing if they could get closer to Fu Jin Yan's love for women.

After a glass of wine, Ling Xue once again focused on Tang Jinshe, who was in a dilemma.

Offended Zhou Ji, and didn't please Fu Jinyan

Tang jinsher, I see how you are arrogant with me this time!

Last time, she was forced to retreat by Tang Jinshe in the elevator. This time, Ling Xue wanted to prove to Tang Jinshe with her strength that she is the one who accompanies Fu Jinyan now, but Tang Jinshe is the one who is trampled on!

Once proud Miss Tang.

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