All around the noise, the invited guests have come.

Feeling the eyes that came from all directions, Tang Jinshe turned white and pulled his fingers unnaturally. Then he silently counted one, two, three times in his heart, turned to the man at his side and said, "President Fu, how can you come to this conference?"

From the perspective of others, Tang Jinshe is smiling and talking with Fu Jinyan.

But only Tang Jinshe knew that she was on the point and had to send!

There were so many eyes on Fu Jinyan, and she sat next to him. If they didn't say a word from the beginning to the end

It's uncertain what negative rumors of Tang clan and flourishing age will be circulated in the circle after this conference.

So, even if she knows that she'll be hot and cold, she still has to act in front of other people and take the initiative to turn around and chat up a few words, which makes it seem that their relationship is not so distant.


But apparently, the man didn't want to talk to her very much. He looked forward coldly.

Fortunately, the host of this meeting has already appeared on the stage, so everyone's eyes have shifted to the stage, and no one cares about the little episode happened here.


"Hello, everyone, welcome to the environmental protection and energy saving conference today..."

In front of us, the experienced host is activating the opening atmosphere.

But Tang Jinshe's forehead was constantly sweating, his face was white, and he covered his abdomen with one hand, trying to relieve the sudden tumbling pain in his stomach!

It seems that my stomach is not feeling well this morning.


"Now, let me give a warm applause to welcome Mr. Fu Jinyan, President of Shengshi group, the pioneer in the field of environmental protection and energy conservation, to the stage to express his views on the new field of environmental protection and energy conservation."

"Pa Pa Pa Pa......"

As the host's words fell, there was a loud clap in the auditorium.

Tang Jinshe barely looks up, just to see the picture of the man beside her with his back to her, walking straight to the stage in the center

On such occasions, Fu Jinyan is the absolute protagonist of Shengshi group, and no one can shake it.


"In 1962, American biologist Rachel Carson first proposed the pollution and destruction of pesticide and insecticide on the environment. Therefore, in 1970, the United States government officially established the Environmental Protection Agency..."

Men's cool and powerful voice came from the front, but these words fell into Tang Jinshe's ear, but they all turned into a string of almost roaring voices.

"As the winner of many environmental protection and energy conservation competitions, Shengshi group always firmly believes that only by applying the concept of environmental protection and energy conservation to every aspect of our life, in the future, we can coexist peacefully with this green earth for thousands of years, even hundreds of millions of years!"


There was a buzz in Tang Jinshe's mind. He couldn't hear anything. He could only half open his eyes and look at the most dazzling part of the stage

Even though the outline of a man is blurred, it is still her familiar figure.

Pain and vertigo are getting worse.

"I think that the concept of environmental protection and energy conservation will be the focus of all sectors of society in the future, and the goal of our Shengshi group is to do our best to make..."

But before Fu Jinyan had finished speaking, the people who had been listening attentively suddenly made a commotion.


"Someone's down!"

"Call 120..."

"Miss, miss, what's wrong with you? Can you hear me?"


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