In the auditorium, Fu Jinyan was able to send her fainted to the hospital at the first time. She was very grateful. As for the others, she did not dare to expect anything more.

After all, she is not the one of Fu Jin Yan, and Fu Jin Yan is not her real husband. There is no need to keep watching her all the time

In the empty ward, Tang Jinse is bored.


An hour later.

Just when Tang Jinshe was half squinting and some sleepy, suddenly there was a sound of approaching footsteps at the door of the ward

She thought it was a nurse again, so she didn't care.

Until the long figure came to the edge of her bed, Tang Jinshe, who left her mind empty, suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the one standing beside her in surprise

The man who goes back!

"Finish eating..."


Looking at the man pushing out the small dining table on the hospital bed and pushing a packed porridge to her eyes, Tang Jinshe swallowed hard. She couldn't understand what the man was thinking.

Later, Fu Jinyan, who left one word and then returned to silence, even shook up the bed for Tang Jinshe, which is also convenient for Tang Jinshe to lie down and eat


Seeing this, Tang Jinshe can only be brave. In the eyes of the man, he opens the packing box with hot porridge.

A fragrance, then scattered in the ward

In order to match her patient's taste, the porridge is relatively light. Apart from adding some shrimp, the rest of the side dishes are vegetarian: green vegetables, carrots, mushrooms

It's a nutritious porridge.

A trace of warmth, from the bottom of Tang Jinshe's eyes inadvertently flowing.

She took a scoop and gave it to her mouth, leaving a sweet smell between her teeth and a soft stomach

Time is passing slowly in her silent eating.

After about half eaten, Tang Jinshe put down his spoon and stopped eating!

She has just washed her stomach and is still taking a few drops. In fact, her appetite is not so good. At present, she can only make do with filling her stomach

"Thank you."

After eating, Tang Jinshe raised her eyes and said thanks to the man beside her.

Then, with courage, he continued to say, "if you have something to do, you can go to work first. I I can take care of myself. "

But when it comes to the words "I can take care of myself", the tone is obviously a little lacking

After all, she is now just because she did not take good care of herself, which will lie here and hang a little bit.

"I know that because I delayed you a lot of time, not only interrupted your speech at the environmental protection and energy conservation conference, but also bothered you to take care of me in the hospital until now. I'm really sorry, but this time I have given you more trouble..."

At last, Tang Jinshe breathed a breath and said all she wanted to say.

But in response to her, only a man with a cold snort.


Fu Jinyan looks at the woman's inexpressible guilt on the bed, and at the same time, he reaches out his precious hand to clean up the food debris on the table

On the other hand, the thought could not help but return to the phone he answered an hour ago.

The company has an important contract for him to sign, and there are meetings waiting for him to preside over, but in order to be with this woman, he has all pushed.

As a result, this woman is polite to herself!

Now still let oneself go busy, this is to drive oneself to leave clearly!

Thinking of this, Fu Jinyan took a napkin from the head of the bed, wiped the food stains he had just cleaned the table, and then raised his eyes to Tang Jinshe and said, "take care of you?"

The tone of the man is obviously disdainful.

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