Knowing that the man pounced on the sky, Tang Jinshe pulled his lips and sent back all the words that Fu Jinyan had given to him in the apartment.

"Fu Jinyan, since you are not satisfied with me as a whole, don't touch me any more." Tang Jinshe turned her head again, and there was a sense of resistance in her eyes.

Since he is not satisfied, why bother himself?

Every time Fu Jinyan gets close to her, she has to recall the lingering past of the two worlds!

Let her want to forget, also can't.

Even, the man's approach can not help but think of the past.

What things are stuck in your heart like needles.

Pain, want to forget difficult.

Haunt yourself like a nightmare.

"Not satisfied? Ah If it wasn't for you to take the initiative to climb up my bed again and again, you think, with my degree of cleanliness, I would touch you again and again? "

The man's words are so harsh that Tang Jinshe wants to escape.

She straightened herself and plated herself with a very hard shell, but her inner heart under the shell was riddled with holes, and she could not see the integrity of it

This kind of woman?


In his mind, I'm afraid that he has believed Zhou Qian's words and thinks that he is the miss of public relations here.

Although the Tang family is lonely and continues to make capital turnover, it doesn't mean that she and the Tang family have no backbone.

Tang Jinshe barely looks at the man, but a kind of sour bitterness spreads on her lips and teeth.

"This is the best way. In the future, Fu Shaoyou and I will face the sky and walk on each side. No one will interfere with anyone!" Tang Jinshe hooked his lips, and the pain flashed through his face.

Although she had never expected that she would become a stranger when she was young, it is not the best result for her and Fu Jinyan.

Some people and things, the more she wants to firmly grasp, the more she loses

Let go.

It is also another way of self liberation.

"Don Jinse!" Fu Jinyan gnawed his teeth.

What's the road to the sky, one way each?

Are you going to get rid of him completely!

"What? Does Fu Shao want to? If you don't want to, you can promise me the conditions I put forward before. Then Fu can do whatever he wants me to do... "

Looking at the iron and green color gradually emerging from the man's face, Tang Jinshe lowered his voice and reached Fu Jinyan's ear and joked at will.

One billion is good

It's better to marry into the Fu family

As long as she can help the Tang family, she is willing to try.

It's a pity that even though she has worked hard to figure out the whole body, Fu Jinyan is not willing to give her such a chance, so she can only give up the shortcut of Fu Jinyan and choose other ways to help Tang family

Tang Jinshe stretched out his green and white hands and slowly dropped his fingertips on the man's chest, but he was suddenly clasped by the man on his wrists, with force and death, unable to move.

But it hurt so much.

Tang Jinshe's skin is already delicate. At this moment, he is forcefully clamped by a man, and his skin has turned red.

"Don jinsher, you should die. I can't agree to your terms."

Thin and cool lips spit out cold words.

In fact, the attractive fragrance is in front of him, but he can't pick it.

The more restrained Fu Jin's words were, the more gloomy his face was, and the impatience in his heart was like a vine with roots, which made him full of evil fire!

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