After confirming that his clothes are complete and there are no omissions, Tang Jinshe gave two unnatural light coughs, and then opened his mouth full of anxiety: "I, I'm ok Mr. Fu, are you still outside? "

As soon as her voice fell, the bathroom door was pushed open.

A long silhouette came in over the threshold, making the place which was not spacious more crowded

"Ma, please."

Once again fell into the cold arms of the man, Tang Jinshe pursed his lips and gave a low-key thanks.

Her hands consciously hook the man's neck, eyes slightly drooping, dare not raise their eyes to look at each other, a scared look

"Are you still bothering me a little?"

Fu Jin said, and looked down at the woman in her arms.

Originally cold and alienated eyes, after catching Tang Jinshe's blush of shame or annoyance, flashed some unknown light.

"I'm sorry..."

Tang Jinshe hears the words, his hands can't help but add more tightly, his face is apologetic, and his eyes are lonely.

The more she tried to avoid them, the more they were intertwined, how could they not draw a clear line

Especially in front of her parents, she had to cooperate with Fu Jinyan.

In this way, she is a trouble maker!


Tang Jinse thought in a mess, but Fu Jinyan had already sent her to the hospital bed in a few strides.

The tenderness in his arms, the lightness under his big hands, the close distance between them, these intimate behaviors that only lovers can have, make fu Jinyan feel comfortable for a moment!

But when he carefully put Tang Jinshe in his arms back on the bed, the sense of emptiness that suddenly disappeared in his arms soon turned his handsome face into a big ice block covered with cold.

As soon as Tang Jinshe got out of bed, he immediately pulled the quilt to cover himself. His round ears were red!

There is a kind of unyielding and unyielding.

Thirty seconds ago, when Fu Jinyan was about to put her down, the left hand was holding her all the time. How could it be that it gave her a hand to wipe her waist?

In the end, he pretended to be innocent and let her down.

Is she a patient now?

Thinking of this, Tang Jinshe used Yu Guang to peek at the man who was watching the mobile phone. Although he was angry, he dared not reveal his dissatisfaction


Tang Jinshe drums his cheeks and scolds him secretly.


"Dong Dong!"

"President Fu, I have brought all the contracts."

Just when Tang Jinshe thought that she would be annihilated in the endless cold atmosphere, Chen Dong's voice suddenly came from the door

Falling in the ear of Tang Jinshe is like the voice of saving the world.

"Miss Tang, I've heard from the president. How are you now?"

While handing the contract materials to Fu Jinyan, Chen Dong did not forget to comfort Tang Jinshe on the hospital bed. Under a gentle and handsome face, there was a sense of concern until now.

After all, excessive care can easily lead to adverse effects!

Chen Dong thought quietly in his heart, but he glanced at Fu Jin Yan who was reading the document at his side without any trace. He had a clear look.

"I'm fine. Thank you for your concern."

Tang Jinshe smiled at the words, but his eyes fell on the pile that Chen Dong had brought, which was piled up on the thick documents like a hill.

So many

When can I finish it?

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