Chen Dong raised his eyes and saw Tang Jinshe's surprised and admiring look, so he began to explain.

"All the documents that I didn't bring here are documents that can be postponed for two days."

"But a person's energy is limited. There are so many documents to deal with. I'm afraid that I have to work overtime every day to manage these stacked documents, right?"

Hearing Chen Dong's words, Tang Jinshe couldn't help but express her opinion.

It turns out that not only the documents in front of us need to be processed, but also other documents in the company are waiting to be processed

Shengshi group is like a production line that continuously delivers documents. Fu Jinyan is the quality inspector who holds the quality gate. Every document needs to be read by him before the next step can be carried out.

Day after day, year after year, when is the end?

Just thinking about it, Tang Jinshe thought that such a day was too terrible

Even if you give her a chance and give her Shengshi group away, she is not qualified for the position of "quality inspector".

And she suddenly understood that under the cold and indifferent face of Fu Jin Yan, how much pressure ordinary people could not bear!


"These things are already routine for our president." Chen Dong said lightly, and his eyes could not help passing a trace of conviction.

This is the navigator who leads Shengshi group to become more and more brilliant. Sitting in this position, you can overlook all the people, but it also means that only the real strong can be competent for this position!

"Then, will your president come here to accompany me, and delay a lot of things?"

All of a sudden, Tang Jinshe had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and then he lowered his voice deliberately. He asked Chen Dong in a low voice without disturbing Fu Jinyan as much as possible.

Since Fu Jinyan has so many things to do, how can she come to this hospital to take care of her?

Think of here, Tang Jinshe small face wring into a group, a did not discover earlier, remorseful.

As long as she knew, she tried to settle her parents and let Fu Jinyan go back to the company early

Anyway, there are nurses here. It doesn't matter if there's no one to accompany.

"Miss Tang, to tell you the truth, there is no convenient and efficient way to deal with business here. Besides, I have to delay a little when I return documents..."

"Find out the bidding contract of Huaihe River phase II and give it to me."

Chen Dong's words have not finished, was suddenly from the side of the heavy cold male voice to mercilessly interrupt.

Chen Dong was stunned when he heard the words, but he was quicker than his brain. He unconsciously searched for documents: "I found the president. This is the bidding contract of Huaihe River phase II!"


Fu Jin Yan reached out and took it, in a flat tone, as if he didn't care about the people next to him at all.

"And you know Miss Tang, in order to be here with you, our president..."

Stop all your work!

"Call the planning department and ask them how long the project period marked in the contract is for the nanjingshan ecological park development project they signed. There is no clear mark on it. There is also a settlement method for the money. We should also follow our Shengshi group's side and ask them to make a new offer and hand it in again."

Fu Jinyan once again grabbed the opportunity to speak, and successfully stopped what Chen Dong wanted to say next.

Chen Dong: "..."

Is it his illusion? Why does he always feel that the president wants to block his mouth with these?

"Good president, I'll go out and make a phone call right away!"


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