"But we have already signed a contract with Xinglong construction. If we fail to deliver the goods on time after half a month, we will not only face a huge fine, but also the reputation of the company just made, even if it will be greatly affected!"

"I know, you let me think, let me think..."

Tang Jinshe sighs when he hears the words. His eyes and eyebrows are full of sorrow.

If we do not breach Xinglong construction contract, we will breach other customers

This move, how to go, will put Tang in a dilemma!

"It's very simple. It's just to find a manufacturer to cooperate in production."

Just as Tang Jinshe couldn't think of a two pronged strategy, Fu Jinyan suddenly put down his pen, his thin lips were slightly open, and his deep voice rang throughout the ward.

Tang Jinshe: "..."

Looking for manufacturers to cooperate in production?

Tang Jinshe hears the words, and raises her eyes to those cold black eyes.

"Which company have you seen that would refuse to send business to you? I think you know what's wrong with you Tang. "

Under the eyes of three pairs of eyes, Fu Jinyan seldom explains patiently.

"Lack of supply, unable to meet the needs of customers, is the most critical and urgent problem!" Fu Jin said decisively.

"However, Tang clan has its own factory. If we want to cooperate with other factories..."

But Tang Jinshe hesitated.

Because Tang has her own factory, she never thought of going to work with the factory outside.


"Don't you just worry that if you cooperate with other factories, others will steal your core production technology?"

Like the Ascaris in Tang Jinshe's stomach, Fu Jin Yan only glanced at the expression on Tang Jinshe's face and knew what was on the other side's mind.

"How do you know?"

Tang Jinshe was surprised.

She was really thinking about it!

It's easy to cooperate with foreign factories, but it's not easy. Once the R & D technology of Tang's new materials is leaked out, they will not have innate advantages in the market.

There will be many manufacturers, trying to imitate or research and develop the same type of materials. By then, the market of environmental protection materials overflows, which is also a blow to Tang's group!

But if we don't find cooperation from other factories, Tang's dilemma is really close at hand

"Don't you have any idea why big foreign companies will look for various generation of processing plants in China? You Tang family, as long as you are responsible for the core technical part, as for other unimportant parts, you can let foreign factories help you to make semi-finished products, and then drag them back to your own factory for processing. Doesn't it save nearly half of the time and greatly improve your shipment? "

Fu Jin's words are not hurried or slow, so as to ensure that what he said can be clearly introduced to Tang Jinshe's ears.

Tang Jinshe: "..."

Reprocessing of semi-finished products?

Why didn't she think of it!

"In addition, you have to have a psychological preparation. Even if you do a good job of confidentiality, you will not be the only one who makes environmental protection materials in the future market. One day, you will still have to share a piece of it with others..."

"So, you should also think about this in advance. After all, the opponent is waiting for you for too long."

In the end, Fu added pointedly.

Tang Jinshe has been completely stunned by what he said!

As for the remaining months after listening for so long, I couldn't help it. I opened my mouth excitedly: "President Fu, are you too fierce?"

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