Fu Jinyan still kept the posture of looking down at the documents, but his thin and thin lips showed who his heart was at the moment.

"As I just mentioned to you, in the future, you will not be the only one or several environmental protection materials. It is the general trend of the development of emerging industries, so you should consider this win-win issue now!"


Knowing that Tang Jinshe must be listening to him attentively at this moment, Fu Jin's words are particularly meticulous.

Every time he said a word, he would deliberately pause. If Tang Jinshe wanted to ask him a question, it would be the best time for him to open his mouth!

"For example, if someone comes to you and wants to buy your core technology, what should you do? Is it rejection or acceptance? " Fu Jin Yan asked in a deep voice.

Buy the core technology of Tang family?

But Tang Jinshe hears the speech, but wrists the eyebrow not to make a sound, only one is trying to think about what appearance.


Or not?

"For another example, in the material market, if there are environmental protection materials of the same type as your home, what are you going to do? Do you want to do your best to suppress the other party, or do you want to reduce the price to keep the customers? "

The voice of the man is still cold, but now it falls into Tang Jinshe's ear, just like opening a door to a new world for her, which makes her feel novel and surprised

If there are environmental protection materials of the same type as Tang's in the market, it's obviously an unrealistic act of damaging the enemy by 800 yuan and damaging the enemy by 1000 yuan!

And self price reduction, although it can work for a while, if the same vicious competition method is adopted for the home, is not it still a kind of self damaging behavior?

So these two methods are certainly not feasible.

These are the two pits Fu Jinyan dug for her. Can she jump down?

Tang jinser thought happily, but Fu Jinyan's voice rang again: "if you choose to stick to the rules, the result is also conceivable. The party who does not want to change is doomed to be eliminated by the industry in the future!"

"You mean, let me have a partnership with another family?" Tang Jinshe said uncertainly.

In business, she is not good at it!

The reason why she got this answer is that she used exclusion method to eliminate all the impossibilities under the reminder of Fu Jinyan.

That leaves behind what seems to be the most unlikely possibility: working with the other family.

Only in this way, it seems to be able to minimize the loss of both

"You are right. Cooperation is one, but excellent quality is two."

Fu Jin Yan hooks his lips without trace. Although his tone sounds casual, Tang Jin se is stunned by the words. It seems that there is some light passing through her mind


"You can imagine, under the same price, as a customer who wants to buy materials, which one would you choose and how?"

At last, Fu Jin Yan raised his eyes and asked cautiously.

He believes that she is smart and can definitely understand what he means

"At the same price, of course, choose the one with better quality!"

Tang Jinshe's tone is rarely so firm to those deep black eyes in front of him.

"But, you said at the beginning, if someone wants to buy our Tang's core technology, should we sell it..."


Before Tang Jinshe finished speaking, the man had already thrown out a simple answer with only two words.

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