Then, with the help of the strength of supporting the wall, Tang Jinshe finally walked into the bathroom

After a while, in a sound of water, Tang Jinshe opened the door of the bathroom, and once again walked slowly to the direction of the hospital bed.

But when Tang Jinshe went to the bedside, she didn't notice that a pair of cold black eyes had opened their eyes and moved with her step!

Seeing that I was about to walk to the bed, one hand had touched the edge of the bed

Tang Jinshe's heart was next excited, and her left foot staggered. Under the action of her weak legs, she fell back!


Tang Jinshe exclaimed. Just as she was about to smash into the hard ground, a big palm suddenly stretched out from the side and lifted her for a moment. Then when Tang Jinshe fell to him, under the inertia, Fu Jinyan fell on the small sofa near the end of the bed with one hand around the woman in his arms.

"Fu, Fu Jin Yan?"

Gradually slow after God, Tang Jinse found that this, holding her to the sofa, is the man she thought had fallen asleep.

"Ah, why is your body so hot?"

Accidentally touching Fu Jin Yan's naked arm, Tang Jinshe immediately retracted his hand and exclaimed again

What's the matter?

It's so hot!

"Do you feel any discomfort? I'll see if you have a high fever. Your body is so hot..."

In order to confirm Fu Jinyan's condition, Tang Jinshe could not care so much, and directly reached out and covered the man's smooth forehead.


It's very hot!

"I'll call a nurse for you!"

At the thought that Fu Jinyan may be ill, Tang Jinshe is in a hurry to get up and ring the nurse's bell.

But she just moved her butt, and before she got up, she was pulled back by a strong force. The man's low voice immediately sounded in her ear: "I'm not sick, it's aunt's soup."

Fu Jin Yan looked at the woman in his arms and said, almost gnashing his teeth.


What soup?

Tang Jinshe was stunned at hearing the words, and then when he saw the dark and bottomless pair of black eyes on the upper side of the man with some helplessness and tolerance, his body suddenly froze and understood what it meant.

It's soup

It's Fu Jin Yan's soup that's out of order!

It's no wonder that before she left, her mother kept suggesting to her that she had come with this idea?

Perfect tonic soup?

For men?

But didn't her old mother think about it? Her daughter is still a patient!

Besides, this is a hospital. What can I do?

Nothing can be done.

Thinking of this, Tang Jinshe reached for her forehead, only to feel the pain that had just been relieved, and her brain began to float again.


The two people who were close to each other on the sofa were motionless, and the atmosphere was frozen for a time.

"Sorry, my mother You know, she always misunderstood our relationship... "

In the end, it was Tang Jinshe who wanted to mumble and break the awkward atmosphere first.

"Well, I'm a patient..."

"Shut up!"

Before Tang Jinshe's words were explained, he was interrupted by Fu Jin's words, which he had already understood.

Just because this woman is a patient now, he will endure for several hours, until now!

God knows what's added to the tonic soup. Maybe he has such a strong self-control, but in the face of the fragrant nephrite in front of him

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