After all, it's just flesh and blood. It's not iron man. Fu Jinyan, who has been tired for a long time, leans on the sofa for the first time shortly after Tang Jinshe's sleep and takes a rare and leisurely nap.

Men's eyebrows and eyes are picturesque. Although they look cold and hard to get close to, their faces when they are sleeping clearly look harmless

If you have less coldness, you will be grumpy.

More gentle eyes

Perhaps, more than all the men she had seen, she was like prince charming coming out of the book.

Tang Jinshe didn't make a sound, so he fixed his eyes and looked at it quietly.

She has forgotten how long she lived in the same room with Fu Jinyan in such a quiet and harmonious way

Since she came back to China, their relationship is either in cold confrontation or on the way to break up!

In her eyes, such pictures as today's tacit afternoon nap without disturbing each other are a rare luxury.


Out of the window, the cold winter wind is approaching.

But how long, K city should be shrouded in a cold current?

Tang Jinshe opens his black eyes, letting go of his thoughts and eyes

The dinner was delivered by Chen Dong. It was all the dishes ordered in the high-end restaurant. Most of the dishes were easy to digest for the patients. So Tang Jinshe took a bite and ate a lot of them.

After midnight.

Tang Jinshe went to bed early after washing, while Fu Jinyan still read the documents sent by Chen Dongxin by the dim light of the sofa.

I plan to work overtime until midnight.

Don't rush, don't disturb, just hold the mobile phone for two hours, then go to bed

There are occasional scraps of paper in the room.

In this quiet and boundless night, but inexplicably make Tang Jinshe feel very relieved

Can't help giving her a kind of illusion, just like when she was a child, Fu Jinyan was always like a knight guarding her side when she was sleeping.

Tang Jinshe thought randomly, his head gradually sank, and soon became tired.

In fact, she seldom had the chance to have a good rest after so many days back home.

Although it's not as heavy as Fu Jinyan's work, at least in the eyes of the company's ordinary employees who get off work on time every day, she, the general manager who often works overtime, is also a worry and lung master!

So it's a rare chance to have a good rest. Of course, Tang Jinshe won't miss it

The tiredness accumulated in her body also took this opportunity to swim slowly from her body to nothingness.

The light is dim.

Before going to bed, Tang thought Fu Jin Yan would not be interested in sleeping with her in the same bed tonight.

After all, today's soup with new ingredients is not as powerful as yesterday's tonic soup


The night is like ink, the morning is like dew, bright and dazzling.

Tang Jinshe didn't sleep comfortably this night. In her dream, she always felt that there was a huge stone blocking her chest, which made her uncomfortable.

But when she woke up, she found

Pressing her is not the stone in the dream, but the strong arm of the man.

Even in this state of sleeping and relaxing, the muscles above the arms of a man have raised a powerful height

It is the envy of her people who have no sense of power!

In the beginning, Tang Jinse could still stay in a sleeping position, still and undisturbed. I don't know when he would squeeze back into this hospital bed and sleep with her.

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