But only she knew that she could achieve good results, and almost half of the credit came from the man who had urged her before her eyes.

Every week before the final exam, when other students come home from school, she will be forced to study in the coffee house near the school by the cool and handsome boy!

It's a semi open coffee house with a quiet environment. Many qualified students, even office workers, will choose to come to this place with learning atmosphere to continue their unfinished tasks.

They have two VIP annual cards in this coffee shop. Every time, they will ask the waiter to leave the window position on the second floor to them

Sometimes when she's tired of doing her homework and wants to be lazy, she will hold her chin on one hand and look out of the window to see the busy street outside the coffee house, and.

The boy's cool side face.

The evening sky of orange red sunset light is particularly bright, but at that time she felt that no matter how beautiful the afterglow is, it can't be as dazzling as the eyes of the boy sitting beside her!

"If you stay in a trance, you'll have another hour less sleep tonight."


Study Crazy!

Squeeze her free time!

It's tougher than the head teacher who knocks on the bamboo stick.

"Finish this paper in 40 minutes, and I'll invite you to eat your favorite junk food."

The boy, who has seen through a woman's mind, soon gives out the ultimate bait.

Irresistible temptation of delicious food.

"Yeah! I'm going to the barbecue shop in Beichang street. Their barbecue is the best... "

The girl with the villain in her heart is aroused by her interest and looks happy. Yan Yan has no spirit before sweeping.


Junk food?

Think of here, Tang Jin se can not help but smile.

She couldn't remember how long they had been together in the sunset, and how many restaurants in K city

She only remembered that in that long and limited period of youth, beside her, she always followed a lonely, cool and handsome figure.

Laugh with her, cry with her, study with her, spend all the time with her that she needs company.

So that, after a series of changes, when she wanted to remove this person from her mind, she found that the memories stacked in her heart were interlaced

It's too much for her to remove.

Because every important node in her life, the other side has not been absent!

The eyelashes are slightly quivering, and a pair of them are as rich as ink. They have faded all the black eyes that were green and astringent at the beginning. They are so far away from Tang Jinshe in the air.

The bottom of our eyes is wrapped with the deep meaning that we can't understand each other.

Tang Jin se gradually tightens the corner of her lips and brings back her thoughts.

She tried to forget.

But the result of her persistent forgetting is that her memory suddenly becomes a blank

As if, what she took out personally is the main line of her life. Her life will be incomplete and all memories will be broken.

That nearly twenty years time, also lost its original meaning.

It's just that I didn't expect my relationship with Fu Jinyan to become like this one day.


Here, only two people in the ward, lingering a wisp of unclear Wen Jun.

In Shengshi group, a sneaky figure is following Chen Dong, who just stepped out of the planning department, tiptoeing silently to the gate of Shengshi group.

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