If one plan fails, she will have another!

One day, she will kick Tang Jinshe out of Fu Zong's side.

But before that, she had to keep her position beside Mr. Fu, and could not make him dislike him This is the most important thing for her right now.

Inside the house.

In the face of Zhou Ji's inquiry, the staff replied firmly: the monitoring video cannot be restored.

This makes Zhouji's last hope of luck become nothing in a moment.

Without the surveillance video, how can he discredit Tang Jinshe?

Seeing this, Ling Xue's eyes flashed, and then he opened his mouth and said: "President Zhou, for my sake, don't worry about Jin se as much as she does. She is young after all, and she has been spoiled and grown up since she was a child. It's hard to avoid impulse in speaking and doing things. If you really destroy her reputation, how can she become a person or even get married in the future?"

Her tone was a little anxious, a little worried.

"Besides, the Tang family has helped me, and I can't really just watch you drive her to the Jedi!"

Ling Xue slowly gave her reasons to help Tang Jinshe.

Tang family has helped her. She owes Tang family a favor, which means she owes Tang Jinse a favor So she wants to protect Tang Jinshe.

This reason sounds reasonable, which makes it difficult to generate other doubts.


Zhou Ji opened his mouth and looked puzzled. He thought what he should say was right. But he turned his head, but he didn't know where to start.

Is it not true that he should admit that he is a vicious man who wants to drive people into the Jedi?

But when he hesitated for a moment, Ling Xue opened her mouth again: "President Zhou, I know that you were angry just now, and only said that you would punish Jin se for fake video, but I believe that even if today's surveillance video is not destroyed, you will not do that in the end..."

"Because you also have Miss Zhou as a daughter. As a parent, you will not do things so absolutely, won't you?"

Zhou Ji: "..."

This is to give him a high hat, give him a step down?

"Lingxue, you have seen it yourself. What did Tang Jinshe do to you just now? Do you think she will lead you? Wake up, you will only make her bully you more in the future! "

Zhou Qian hears words, one face hate iron not become steel to Ling Xue preach.

In her opinion, Ling Xue is a fool. She is a man who is free from being bullied by others. She can only tolerate others with useless kindness, but she doesn't know how to put herself in consideration at all

How can such a person be Tang Jinse's opponent?

She is eager for Ling Xue to wake up quickly, but she doesn't know that she is the one with the least clear mind here.

But after all, Zhou Ji was not as brainless as his daughter, but in a moment, he found the most critical point from Ling Xue's words.

Since the surveillance video was destroyed, he could not carry out his plan as expected

Then why didn't he follow the stick Ling Xue handed him and show his magnanimity as an elder?

"Miss Ling is right. I was angry for a moment and didn't think about it. How important is Qingyu to a girl? How can I really be driven by anger to do such unconscionable things? Xiao Qian, learn from Miss Ling more in the future. Don't take everything so seriously! "

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