Zhao bingyue also congratulated: "Congratulations, Huanhuan is so beautiful today."

"Cousin, sister-in-law, thank you for your support. I thought sister-in-law would not come back." Luo Huanhuan smiles sweetly, embraces Bedou's arm, and moves closer.

Zhao bingyue looks at the innocent smile on her face. She only thinks that there is a knife hidden in the smile. But on such a day, she can't change her face with them.

"How can I be absent from your good day?" Zhao bingyue didn't deal with it emotionally.

Zhao bingyue's heart is a bit blocked. Luo Huanhuan dares to say one more word that she will make her unable to get off the stage at her engagement ceremony.

Fortunately, Luo Huanhuan just said this sentence "without thinking", and there was no more demons behind, and Zhao bingyue was not good enough to sneer back.

"Watson." At this time, Xu Sui came to them and looked at Luo Huasheng affectionately.

Her appearance, let the people around follow to see, there is a deep in the eyes.

Zhao bingyue quietly looked at her, the body is still next to Luo Huasheng, there is no meaning to give her a place.

She appears here as Luo Huasheng's wife. She can't give way automatically just because Xu Sui appears, can she?

Luo Huasheng gave her a faint smile, not too much emotion.

If it wasn't for Zhao bingyue's anger, he wouldn't have too much entanglement with Xu Sui.

But Xu Sui obviously didn't think so. Luo Huasheng's cold smile made her feel like she was stabbed by a needle.

"Watson, I haven't seen you for a long time. How's your leg injury?" Xu Sui looks at Luo Huasheng anxiously. As she speaks, she naturally goes to the other side of Luo Huasheng, approaches him, and naturally puts her hand on his arm.

Being held in two hands by two women, Luo Huasheng's expression did not change, but the onlookers around him all laughed secretly.

Zhao bingyue is like a grain of grass on her back. She hears Luo Huasheng's voice and says faintly: "it has recovered."

He quietly wants to pull away his hand, and Xu Sui distance, but Xu Sui do not know whether intentionally or unintentionally, just want to be next to him, let him have no chance to escape.

"Well, you don't know how worried I am about you these days."

It's natural for her to ignore the actions of Zhao bingyue on the other side of Luo Huasheng. It seems that Zhao bingyue is the air and does not exist at all.

From beginning to end, Xu Sui's eyes did not look as much as Zhao bingyue's.

"Let's talk. I'll get something to eat." Zhao bingyue pulls away her hand and turns gracefully to leave.

Luo Huasheng did not exclude Xu Sui's approach, nor did he drive her away.

He could bear the meaningful eyes of the people around him, but she couldn't, so she had to go back to the second place, stay away from right and wrong, and find a quiet place to hide.

She doesn't want to worry about Xu Sui's behavior. No matter what she does, she has Luo Huasheng's permission. No matter what she does, she is dissatisfied and makes trouble. She is on her own and everyone is on their side. It doesn't do her any good.

After weighing the pros and cons, Zhao bingyue chooses to be an interesting person, which also saves her trouble.

Zhao bingyue's departure makes Xu Sui's smile more bright. It looks like a fighting hen. I want everyone to know that Luo Huasheng is Xu Sui's man, not Zhao bingyue's.

But this time, she knew that Luo Huasheng didn't like to see her, so she left first.

If she doesn't leave, Xu Sui thinks, she must have some ways to embarrass her.

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