"I asked you to come here today to say that this kind of family custom was decided by Watson's grandfather. Before his grandfather died, I had just passed through with Watson's mother and his third aunt. Watson's grandfather used strong means to let us abide by this rule and not violate it."

"Later, it became a family custom. After Watson's grandfather died, we didn't change it. We've been doing this for so many years, and we don't think it's anything."

"Since bingyue doesn't adapt, the old rules should be changed. In the future, anyone in the family who doesn't want to come to dinner together can do it by themselves in their own yard. I won't investigate whether it's done or not."

Lu Chunxiao said that at this point, Zhao bingyue and Luo Huasheng could not understand it any more. That would be white living for so many years.

She said that when she married into the Luo family as the new daughter-in-law of the Luo family, the old man of the Luo family, that is, Luo Huasheng's grandfather, was still alive.

Luo Huasheng's grandfather is an old-fashioned man. Everyone has to abide by the rules. Although Lu Chunxiao, a new daughter-in-law at that time, was not adapted to the way that the family shared meals every day, he was forced to do so.

For so many years, she had no chance to resist. Even if the old man died, no one in the Luo family proposed to eat separately, and she couldn't say it, so she carried it for so many years.

Until the appearance of Zhao bingyue, she often missed dinner together and ordered takeout alone, which gave Lu Chunxiao a good chance to make use of the problem.

She wants to use Zhao bingyue to break this example and gradually ask the Luo family to cancel this tradition and go back to each hospital to eat their own food.

"Thank you, auntie." Zhao bingyue thanks first.

No matter what Lu Chunxiao thinks, she should be taken as a breakthrough to let the Luo family concentrate their firepower on her and scold her for splitting the Luo family. At least in the future, she won't have to eat with people she doesn't like.

Every time I have a meal with them, listening to their strange irony, Zhao bingyue is very angry without eating.

Luo Huasheng was thoughtful and didn't know what he was thinking. Hearing Zhao bingyue's voice of thanks, he looked back at her and said to Lu Chunxiao, "second aunt, it's not very good. After all, it's a rule set by my grandfather. For her sake, she can be regarded as..."

"Watson!" Lu Chunxiao shook his head at him, indicating that he would stop talking.

"Things are settled like this. You should also think more about bingyue. You are often not at home. If she is alone, you should ask and know what you need in time. Don't marry her and leave her in the cold at home. What's it like to say?"

Lu Chunxiao educated Luo Huasheng and finally talked about pregnancy.

"Bingyue has been in the Luo family for such a long time. Her stomach hasn't moved. Watson, you have to work harder. You are the only child in the eldest family, and your parents... Have a child with bingyue to carry on the family line and spread the branches and leaves for you. Your parents will be glad to know that. "

Lu Chunxiao said to herself. In the corner where she couldn't see, Luo Huasheng's hand on his leg clenched and folded up.

Anyone is qualified to mention his parents, but the Lu Chunxiao family is not.

But he couldn't vent the evil spirit in his heart. He could only lower his eyes and cover up the cold and murderous spirit in his eyes. He listened to Lu Chunxiao's sarcastic remarks in silence.

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