But he didn't expect that Xu Sui's phone call would have such a big impact on her. He always thought that she didn't care, just like she didn't care about him or their children. But why, seeing her red eyes and accusing him, would his heart be so sad? He took a deep breath and left the room with his clothes At dinner, Luo Huasheng just came home. He just looked around the house and didn't see Zhao bingyue. Where did she go“ Who are you looking for, cousin? " Luo Huanxi saw him in and out of their yard several times, and didn't know what he was looking for. Luo Huasheng put away the anxiety on his face and said indifferently, "have you seen your sister-in-law?" Luo Huanxi shook his head: "she's haunted all day, either in the company or alone in the room. Sometimes she doesn't eat with us. Who knows where she is?"... " Luo Huasheng's face is not very good-looking. He picks up his mobile phone to call Zhao bingyue, but he can't get through. He went back to the room, stood at the window and looked out the window. Where on earth had she gone? If I don't answer the phone, I'm running away from home, right? After all, Luo Huasheng couldn't sit still. He took the car key and drove out to find her. Not long after he left, another black Bentley also drove out The night sky is dark and quiet. After Zhao bingyue takes a bath in the bathroom, Luo Huasheng is no longer there. May be to find Xu Sui, the world is big, who can have Xu Sui big? Zhao bingyue self mocks that she is a man who occupies the pit, so that the people they really love can only look at each other from afar, but they don't love each other. It's going to be a fairy tale. She may be the damned witch. That home, let her suffocate, so not long after Luo Huasheng left, she also went out. She wanted to get out and breathe, or she couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't die in that room. A person walking outside for a long time, no purpose, no direction, do not know how long to walk, do not know where to go, see more and more dark day, she did not mean to go back. I don't want to go back. That place is hell for her. She would rather go all the way to the end of the night. It was not until her stomach began to rumble, a strong sense of hunger swept over her, and her legs became weak that she remembered that she had not eaten that day. I'm so hungry. She looked around to see where there was food. She walked far enough away from the bustling city center, and the surrounding buildings were small and old. There are many small restaurants to eat. Zhao bingyue walks into one at random. There are many people in it. It's very busy. After ordering a meal, she looked at the guests quietly. Like her, everyone is looking at her. After all, she is dressed in a famous brand and clean. There are not many people who eat here. The guests here, like they just got off work from the construction site, all have a good smell. Their faces are full of oil stains. They should have been busy all day, so tired that they have to eat here. Zhao bingyue met a lot of such people when she was studying in Y City. She didn't feel abrupt. She glanced at them and quietly waited for her meal. She didn't have the slightest dislike in her eyes“ Little girl, do you work here? " Seeing that she didn't refuse anyone thousands of miles away, a nearby aunt took the initiative to talk to her. Zhao bingyue is slightly stunned. She responds that the other party is asking her questions. She purses her lips and shakes her head: "No." www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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