It's Fu Jinyan

He's here, too?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wei. I have something urgent. I have to go first. See you later."

Tang jinsher didn't find the straight figure in the banquet hall, but judging from the information she just received, Fu Jinyan must have been here just now, and.

And found her sitting here!

It's probably because they haven't seen each other for a long time. The meeting of the two people was still in the situation of unhappy separation in the hospital a week ago. So when Fu Jin Yan's text message suddenly arrived, Tang Jinshe felt a little nervous.

In the banquet hall, Tang Jinshe came and went like the wind. When Wei Guoqiang reacted and tried to hold out his hand, his fingertips only touched the crimson skirt that was raised gently because he was in a hurry to leave

Silky, warm and cool touch, with the unique fragrance of women.

Wei Guoqiang's face has not been in decline for a long time, but the fragrance melts in the air after a while, and becomes a void he cannot keep.

What a A rare thing?

Looking at the figure of Tang Jinshe disappearing at the entrance of the banquet hall, Wei Guoqiang smashed his mouth and couldn't help sighing in his heart that he was salivating and regretful.

If there is a chance to kiss Fangze in the future, it must be more fascinating and unforgettable than he imagined?


Tang Jinshe ran all the way to the door, thinking of all the messages Fu Jinyan had just sent her. He didn't even notice that behind her, there was a greedy and obscene look that followed her until she stepped out of the door of the banquet hall.

From entering the banquet hall to leaving, Tang Jinshe's stay there is not a long time, about an hour

So when she took her cell phone and went outside the hotel, the clock on her watch was just past eight.

Although it's only early winter, K city under the night is colder than every previous season. It's gurgling colder. I don't know whether it's coming from the sky or coming out in the end.

In a word, it's just that Tang Jinse in light clothes is frozen to the core!

Yingrun nose slightly red, pink earlobes also because standing in this cold night than in the day, and gradually from below, a little bit dyed almost blush color.

Tang jinsher's white Mercedes Benz is parked in the parking space not far from the hotel entrance at the moment, but Tang jinsher doesn't go to his car

On the other side of the road, the black Maybach stopped by the side of the road and flashed his headlights twice.

"President Fu, so coincidentally, are you here?"

Once in the car, the oncoming heating soon dispelled the cold feeling covering Tang Jinshe.

Fu Jinyan looked at the gradually expanding eyebrows of the woman beside him, and suddenly he could bear the dull feeling caused by the high heating

But when he saw Tang Jinshe's red skirt floating on his side, his face, which had just slowed down, turned into a vast thin cold again.

Do you forget the lessons you've learned before when you wear it so well?

What a short memory!


At the thought of the old man's undoubted coveting and calculation in his eyes just now, Fu Jin Yan felt that there was an annoyance in his chest, which could not be excreted.

Before looking back, Tang Jinshe was intimidated by others in the box several times and tried to be unfaithful in those "thrilling" scenes

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