One by one, the gray and white smoke rings were spit out orderly from Fu Jin Yan's mouth, like a cloud of illusory mist, and I don't know where they will eventually extend.

But under the deliberate manipulation of Fu Jin Yan, none of them drifted in the direction of Tang Jin se.

He knew that the woman didn't like to smell secondhand smoke.

So, I have been paying attention.

If you can't control your emotions, you won't smoke.

Fu Jin said that the whole person was hidden under the smoke ring, which was particularly ethereal, and there was a different atmosphere in it.

Tang Jinshe has always known that Fu Jinyan has the appearance of not losing to the male stars in the entertainment circle.

No matter which angle of view, they are handsome enough to have no friends.

Forcing herself not to lick Fu Jin Yan's face, Tang Jinshe tried to get herself back to the point, took a deep breath, and continued:

"it's also rare for us to see each other..."

On this side, Tang Jinshe's hesitating voice is still ringing in the room.

"So I think..."

"I don't want to be today, we Just, just... "

In spite of all the courage, Tang Jinshe failed to say the most important sentence!

"What do you want to say?"

Seeing Tang Jinshe's ink for a long time, he didn't give a happy answer. Fu Jinyan on one side put out the cigarette end in the ashtray at the end of the bed, and then asked with his side eyes.

He always felt that today's woman, it seems Not as usual.

There was a light smell of tobacco in the air. Tang Jinshe frowned and took a breath. His heart was inexplicably dejected: "nothing."

She thought she could.

But when she came to her mouth, she found that imagination and reality were never one thing that could be confused.

Some words, say not to export, that is to say not to export.

She can sell her body, but she can't control her whole body and mind!

What you can do with your eyes closed is not necessarily what you can say with your eyes closed.


When Fu Jinyan hears the words, he is not doubted.

Seeing that Tang Jin se was not making any more noise, he lifted the quilt and went straight to the bathroom

"I'll take a bath."

For a person who has a serious obsession with cleanliness, sleeping with his clothes like this is something he can't easily do.

So after smoking the cigarette, Fu Jinyan decided to catch up with Tang Jinshe this time, and he didn't put the figure of Xie chang into the bathroom

Through the open bedroom door, the sound of water is clear and audible!

Tang Jinshe is a little bit upset and grabs the quilt corner. For a moment, he doesn't know what to do next?

If she can't consume Fu Jin Yan's strong energy today, she will live in fear every day after today

Thick curtains covered the dark night outside the window, and Tang Jinse frowned.

No, I have to take the initiative.

Without any hesitation, Tang Jinshe stood up and walked towards the bathroom step by step.

Every step, Tang Jinshe stepped on the red face and red ears, but the bottom of his heart was especially firm.


You can't take yourself to the hospital anymore.

I have to find a way to let Fu Jinyan leave for several days I don't want to meet myself.

In addition to tossing men's energy.

Tang felt that he could not think of any other way.

After meeting Fu Jin Yan, all the wisdom seems to have become impossible.


It doesn't matter.

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