In any case, at least she solved the immediate problem.

The task that drained Fu Jinyan's energy last night, she did her best. Did she reach the standard?

Thinking of this, Tang Jinshe carefully removed the arm that the man put on her body, and then got off the bed lightly wrapped in the nightgown. Finally, she picked up the mobile phone that she had put on the table, ran into the bathroom lightly, and carefully dropped the lock from the inside.


After entering the bathroom, Tang Jinshe immediately took out her mobile phone and found the app.

Well, record it.

This app is similar to Meiyou.

It can record any special period of women.

Whether you are menstrual discomfort.

Or you should pay attention not to eat cold when coming to menstruation.

Or you want a baby

Well, or like myself, if you don't want a baby, you can try to record it.

According to the feedback of users, the accuracy rate can be more than 80%.

Tang Jinse carefully marked the date.

Well, the next ten days are dangerous for me.

It means that in the next ten days, Fu Jinyan will be dangerous for himself.

It's a real headache.

Tang Jinshe wrote in his remarks seriously: remember, under the red date, you must avoid Fu Jinyan.

Remember, come on!


There was some movement in the bedroom.

But Tang, who is dedicated to mobile phones, doesn't notice anything.

When she finished pounding her cell phone, she went to the shower again. She washed the slime on her body with warm water and relieved her fatigue by the way

At last, I washed my face and brushed my teeth.

An hour later, Tang Jinshe finally walked out of the bathroom which she had occupied all morning, and then walked to the next bedroom with a bath towel

Because her clothes were all thrown on the sofa in the bedroom.

"Come out for breakfast after washing."

As soon as he stepped into the bedroom with his left foot, the man's cold voice came from the window

Tang Jinshe hears the reputation. The eye-catching scene is a man in a white shirt, bathed in the morning light.

The soft sunrise covers the man's white shirt, just like countless times in the past, the man is standing in front of her in a white shirt.

"Brother Jin Yan, why do you always wear a white shirt?"

"Not pretty?"

"No, of course it's beautiful. You're the prince charming in the eyes of girls in the whole school. School grass!"


"Well Brother Jin Yan? You know what? I really like boys wearing white shirts. They are so handsome and charming. "

The young girl expresses her emotion excitedly, but the boy stops, his eyes flash a little smile, which seems to have been known for a long time.

But the next second, the boy's words are very indifferent: "superficial."

"Don jinsher, you are so superficial. Do you know that?"

Tang Jinshe: "..."

To be honest, I know.


If you can, Tang Jinshe really wants to go back to the past, and then stands in front of the young man in the white shirt and tells him firmly: you look good in the white shirt. In my heart, brother Jin Yan is the most handsome person in the school, and no one can reach you!

Unfortunately, with the collapse of their friendship, these words are no longer worth mentioning.

Because some of what you want to say to others and what you want to express to others need time to complete

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