You should know that when you just left the emperor, you were surrounded. You had to walk hard every step of the way, from inside to outside.

Now, it's finally warmer.

"Eh, Jin se, what's the matter with you? How did you make it like this?"

Approaching the table, Lin Wan soon noticed the wine stains on Tang Jinshe's clothes.

"Ah, this, it's OK. I spilled it on my body when I was drinking. At that time, I was asked to change my clothes. I thought it was troublesome, so I didn't change it."

Lin Wan's sudden inquiry made Tang Jinshe's body stiff, but soon she opened her mouth freely to deal with the past, pretending that everything was just an accident.

"Well, then be careful not to spill any more!"

"Well, I know, Ma."


After Tang Jinshe finished eating the wonton in the bowl, Tang Zhengqin, who had been sitting on the sofa, finally couldn't help opening his mouth.

"Kinsey, how are you doing with the Bank of Ruifeng today? Is he willing to lend to Tang Group? "

When Tang Jinshe heard the words, the action of drinking soup suddenly stopped.

As sharp as Tang Zhengqin, she naturally caught the unusual action of Tang jinsher: "why, isn't it that things don't go well"

in the face of Tang Zhengqin's query, Tang jinsher was a little afraid to face it. She kept the posture of bowing her head and drinking soup, but it was hidden in the eye light, but it was unbearable.

What's her answer?

It's true to tell Dad that she messed up the matter. She didn't persuade Zhouji to succeed and didn't get the loan from Ruifeng bank

And then look at her parents again show lost look?

She can't really do it.

"No, things went well. Although President Zhou didn't immediately promise Tang's loan, I had a good chat with him. He also said he would give it a good consideration!"

Tang Jinshe raised her eyes to meet Tang Zhengqin's eyes, but at last she didn't choose to tell the truth.

"It's just that we don't need a small sum of money at present. Ruifeng bank must evaluate the risk more. They will decide whether to lend money to me after careful consideration..."

"So Dad, don't worry. Let's wait another two days. It's not too late for me to contact the bank chief Zhou if we don't come back later."


To tell a lie means that more lies are needed in the future.

Tang Jinse doesn't know what will happen in the future, but at least at this moment, she really can't be cruel enough to pass on the news of the loan rejection to her parents, and then see her parents' sad look!

She hopes that tonight, her parents can put down the burden in their hearts and have a good sleep and dream.

As for the invisible pressure that lingers in the dark, let her bear it alone!

"Yes, you are right. We can't always force people to think about it. We have to give them some time to think about it. It doesn't matter if we wait for two days. As long as we can wait for the good news at last, these are unimportant things..."

Hearing that, Tang Zhengqin, who has been stretching his face all night, will finally relax his nerves a little, and his eyes will start to have a little bit of light.

Tang Jinshe's words, just like a seed with hope, are sown in Tang Zhengqin's heart, and let him begin to have expectations for tomorrow!

It also has more impetus for the revival of Tang Group.

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