"Don't listen to her nonsense. This bitch doesn't know what she's been stimulated by. She talks nonsense and slanders me here. I tell you, Zhao bingyue, even if I have feelings for a dog, I can't look up to you."

Zhao bingyue looked aggrieved and afraid. Holding on to Luo Huasheng's clothes, she pleaded in a low voice: "Watson, you'd better send me back. I can't stay in your Luo's house any more. Luo Huaming's psychological quality is so good that he can deny what he has done and bite me back. If I'm not really bullied by him, how can I expose this kind of thing? I don't want fame? You also know how important a girl's reputation is. What's more, I was your wife at that time, and he didn't even let go of his sister-in-law. It can be seen that he was not as good as a beast in private... "

Zhao bingyue said, her eyes turned red. Recalling the scene at that time, she had almost forgotten all these years. But now, her fear still made her heart not calm.

Luo Huasheng grabs Zhao bingyue's hand. It's easy for him to see if Zhao bingyue has lied.

Zhao bingyue's palm is very cold. Speaking of the disgusting past, her body is even shaking slightly.

The reaction of her body is not deceptive.

Luo Huasheng's eyes narrowed slightly. If she didn't give bingyue an explanation, she was afraid that she would be more disappointed and didn't want to stay here.

"Nonsense? Luo Huaming, do you think I should trust a cousin who is against me everywhere and has little affection for me, or a woman I love deeply? " Luo Huasheng's mouth curved and looked at the evil.

"Luo Huasheng, you even choose to believe her and not me? What kind of ecstasy has this woman given you, so that you can't tell right from wrong? " Luo Huaming is very guilty, but up to now, he can only die, and can't reveal a word. Otherwise, waiting for him will be more than just being expelled from the Luo family.

It's so easy to do something to Luo Huasheng, even if his relatives are here, his parents, his brother and sister can't help him.

"Believe you?" Luo Huasheng leaned forward, forming a dangerous posture, "just in time, the button I found in our room is still in collection. Otherwise, I'll find someone to verify whether the button belongs to my second brother?"

Luo Huaming's face turned pale in an instant. He didn't expect that after such a long time, Luo Huasheng still kept that button. Is he crazy?

"Luo Huasheng, is it really worthwhile for you to be aggressive to our family for the sake of a woman?" Luo Hua Ming also wants to delay time and divert Luo Hua Sheng's attention.

Unfortunately, his wishful thinking is wrong. No one can control Luo Huasheng.

"Family? Second brother, do you really regard me as a family? If that's the case, should we return the yard you occupied? You live so naturally these years, don't you really know how important that yard is to me and my dead parents? Your family has defiled that place! "

If you really want to talk about feelings, Luo Watson has plenty of facts to refute them.

Luo Huaming can see that Luo Huasheng is really here. He really wants to drive all of them out of the Luo family.

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