Luo Huasheng expression dissatisfaction: "I make trouble? If he didn't bring you here, why do I have to go to so much trouble? Everyone knows what he brought you here for

"What's his purpose, then?" Zhao bingyue asked him.

Although she didn't like bedu, she didn't do anything to her, and Zhao bingyue didn't want to make things too ugly.

Of course, if Bedouin had been acting on her, she would not have let Luo Huasheng be polite to him.

Luo Huasheng was displeased because Zhao bingyue spoke for Beidu: "why do you always speak for him? What kind of wolf ambition does he have for you? Do you really have no idea, or do you enjoy it? "

Bedu doesn't think it's too big to watch the excitement. He hopes that the more they make trouble, the better. In this way, Zhao bingyue will see the real face of Luo Huasheng and come back to him.

"I said, Watson Luo, as a man, would you be a little stingy? What can I do to her? I'm not you. I forcibly abducted her and disappeared with her for a few days. No matter whether the people around her would worry or not, from the beginning to the end, it's you who only care about yourself

"I'm a lot more gentlemanly than you are, aren't I?" Bedu sneers at him, as if he wants to spread all his grievances against Zhao bingyue.

"Gentlemen?" Luo Huasheng laughed. "It's the first time that I've heard someone talk about his failure so clearly."

Zhao bingyue listened to their sarcasm and black lines: "can you two stop fighting? Half the weight. "

Luo Huasheng

Luo Huasheng turned back and said to his men, "tie up bedu for me."

"Yes Luo Huasheng's people came forward quickly, and bedu was arrested by his people before he even had time to struggle.

Zhao bingyue frowned and looked at Luo Huasheng: "what are you doing?"

Luo Huasheng sneered: "why? Legally, what should kidnapping be, do you know? "

"When did I kidnap her? If I really kidnap her, I'll park my car here waiting for you to catch her? " Bedou struggled hard and couldn't break free.

"If you really say kidnapping, it's you who kidnapped her. How dare you say the days when she disappeared have nothing to do with you?"

Luo Huasheng narrowed his eyes, only to think that he was overpowering himself: "Zhao bingyue is my wife, I take her out to relax, need to report to you?"

"Have you remarried?" Bedouin grinned grimly. "What kind of wife is she without remarriage?"

"We need to report to you whether we remarry or not? Do you take yourself too seriously, Bedouin

Zhao bingyue only felt headache. No matter how noisy they were, she got up and walked in the direction of the car.

"Where to?" Luo Huasheng catches her.

"When you go back to work, do you want to wait here and listen to the quarrel between you two?"

Luo Huasheng: "glancing at bedu, he reached for his car and said," get in my car and go back. "

Zhao bingyue doesn't plan to get on bedu's car. If she has her own car, she doesn't even want to get on Luo Huasheng's car.

"Bingyue, do you want to go back with him?" When bedu saw that she was going to get into Luo Huasheng's car, he frowned immediately.

He brought Zhao bingyue here today just to show her an attitude. He didn't want her to get too close to Luo Huasheng.

"Shut up Luo Huasheng looked at him impatiently, only felt that this person was very noisy, "she's my woman, don't go back with me, with whom, with you? Do you deserve it? ", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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