Going out of the men's clothing store, Tang Jinshe felt better again.

On the contrary, Fu Jin said that he was still wandering around, as if he didn't mean to leave the mall.

Tang Jinshe bit his lips and couldn't help saying, "President Fu, aren't you busy today?"

"No matter how busy you are, you have to arrange your holidays properly."

The smile of Tang Jinshe's lips can't smile.

I don't think it's all about Fu Jinyan.

It's true that Fu Jinyan is so busy on weekdays. He should have no time to stroll around and enjoy life like an ordinary person.

Think of here, Tang Jin se purses lip, the heart is a little complex.

Once upon a time, I seemed to have been hanging out with him in the school canteen.

Now for a while, time is gone.

Take a deep breath. Tang Jinse just wants to open his mouth. Fu Jinyan goes to the French haute couture shop on his own.

Tang Jinshe looked stunned and immediately followed.

Who knows what Fu Jinyan will do? You must follow carefully.

Fu Jin Yan slowly hooked his lips, and his eyes became much gentler in the imperceptible angle of Tang Jin se.


It's like entering a men's clothing store.

Fu Jinyan and Tang Jinshe just walked into the women's clothing store, and the salesmen immediately welcomed them.


Tang Jinshe is a little upset.

How can I be so enthusiastic

Can't you be transparent with Fu Jin Yan?

"Sir, choose clothes for your girlfriend."

Tang Jinshe: "..."

It's over. I misunderstood again.

"He's not my boyfriend," said Tang

Fu Jin said to wring his eyebrows, because Tang Jinshe was dissatisfied with his quick retort.

The next moment, the clerk immediately understood: "I understand, of course, it's not a boyfriend, it's a husband, right?"

Tang Jinshe: "..."

Don chin se can't laugh any more.

How can the salesmen now imagine so much.

Tang Jinshe wants to explain again. Fu Jinyan directly says, "is there any suit for her?"

"Yes, yes."

The shop assistant is also a person with vision. Looking at the clothes of Fu Jinyan and Tang Jinshe, he knew that they must be rich or expensive. So he immediately went forward happily and gave some guidance.

"In fact, sir, your wife looks good on everything."

"Good figure The skin is white and beautiful. "

"Sir, you are really lucky."

"You two are very conjugal."

Tang Jinshe: "..."

Is the shopping guide so talkative now?

Tang Jinshe twisted her eyebrows. She didn't care to see the clothes recommended by the guide. Instead, she kept glancing at Fu Jinyan's expression.

"President fu I don't lack clothes. "

Tang tries to lower his voice, but hears the man's casual retort.

"You often walk with me. Your clothes are not only for your appearance, but also for me. I will choose your clothes. What's the problem?"

Tang Jinshe: "..."


But I always think something is wrong.

The shopping guide didn't hear the whispers between Fu Jinyan and Tang Jinse. He thought that Tang Jinse was too expensive, so he set up a horse and said, "Miss, your husband is so generous to you, so don't be stuck with it. Make a good choice."

"No, no..."

Finally, Tang Jinshe, who is not cheeky enough to put down this sentence, turned around and took the hand of the man behind him and hurried downstairs

No matter how the shopping guide behind us calls for retention, he is still firm in his steps and will not go back to the gate on the first floor.

What's the matter? It's just a shopping trip. It's a husband and wife.

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