"If you think you want fewer and more, and some women are willing to give you birth, why do you always pester me?"

He hasn't made it clear with Xu Sui's mother and son. What can he change by provoking her at this time?

He just wants to keep her, but the ending of her staying can only end in a bloody way, just like their first child

"Do you think I like children? From birth to now, I, Luo Huasheng, only want you. The premise of my love for children must be me and your children! "

Zhao bingyue looked at him quietly. Her heart suddenly seemed to be touched. A corner was so soft that it collapsed in.

Reason kept her awake at last. She began with a sad smile: "unfortunately, our child is dead. No matter how you don't like Xu Sui's child, he is also connected with you. You can't change it."

She mentioned Xu Sui and the child again and again, which made Luo Huasheng more upset and eager: "I asked you, are you pregnant with our child? Are you here to buy something for the child? Don't lie to me. You can't lie to me. As long as I want to know, I'll have every way to know. "

Zhao bingyue pinched her heart for a moment, and her chest was suddenly out of breath: "Mr. Luo thinks that I want to prepare supplies for my children when I appear in this small shop?"

Zhao bingyue looked down at her flat stomach and said, "where is the child?"

Her eyes looked at him without temperature: "even if I really have your child, Mr. Luo, do you think I might give birth to it when you already have children with others? I won't let my child become an illegitimate child, and I don't want him to be pointed out all his life... "

"You are my wife. Our children can never be illegitimate children!" Luo Huasheng held her shoulder tightly, afraid that she would really knock the child off.

Although he has known the truth three years ago, the situation now is different from that three years ago. Before the paternity test results of his and Xu Sui's children come out, he dare not decide anything.

She is too fragile and easy to despair. It is because he doesn't give her enough sense of security that she doesn't trust herself.

Zhao bingyue smiled gently: "Luo Huasheng, do you still think you are deceiving yourself and others?"

Even if he said that their children were not illegitimate children, in the eyes of outsiders, Xu Sui's children were two years old, and her children were so young. In addition, he grew up with Xu Sui as a childhood sweetheart, and she was a latecomer. The family subconsciously thought that she had intervened in them.

Today, Xu Sui is not only the daughter of the Xu family, but also an internationally famous female model. Her popularity and influence will make everyone stand on her side.

At that time, she will be attacked by everyone, but what about her children? Will she let it live in other people's abuse since childhood?

The more Zhao bingyue thought, the colder her hands and feet were. She tried to push Luo Huasheng away again: "let me go."

She turned back to Nansi Rong for help, but Nansi Rong had already been controlled by Luo Huasheng's people.

"Luo Huasheng, she is no longer your wife. Let her go!"

Luo Huasheng turned a deaf ear to his cry and stared at Zhao bingyue: "there's one thing I haven't told you. After I signed it three years ago, the divorce agreement didn't take effect at all."

She took her divorce agreement and ran away in a hurry. He suppressed the rest.

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