Xiaochen hurriedly explained: "we didn't cook it ourselves. It was cooked by our aunt in the kitchen."

"Aunt in the kitchen?" Nancy Rong frowned. Didn't he remember that his aunt in the kitchen asked for sick leave yesterday? Did he rest today?

Otherwise, he would not get up so early to make breakfast for Zhao bingyue in order to please her.

"Yes, I don't know what happened to my aunt. When I went in, there was only one bowl left in the kitchen. "She's not here," the summary followed.

Xiaochen timidly wanted to say something. He looked at the kitchen and stopped talking.

"Is aunt well?" Nancy Rong walked to aunt's room. Xiao Chen replied, "it should be OK. I just saw her cooking noodles in the kitchen."

"Did you see her?" Nansirong stopped and Xiaochen nodded, "she asked me to bring out the bowl of noodles, president Zhao."

Nansirong came back, sat down and looked at Zhao bingyue's bowl of noodles: "how long has this bowl of noodles been kept?"

He picked up his chopsticks and rolled them up: "it's all lumpy."

The summary couldn't help laughing and said, "Mr. Nan, don't tell us that you said that because you wanted to eat this bowl of noodles."

Nansi Rong also smiled: "I'm too lazy to make it for myself. It's not easy to bother two ladies to help me. Bingyue has eaten my breakfast these days. She can't get used to it. I'd better eat it for her."

Summary and Xiaochen burst out laughing, but they didn't say anything. They had long been used to nansirong making breakfast for Zhao bingyue every day.

To tell the truth, although this one made by my aunt is very fragrant, it has been put for so long. I'm afraid it will be cold when president Zhao wakes up.


Luo Huasheng, who sat outside Zhao bingyue's balcony all night, didn't know when he fell asleep. His mobile phone rang and woke him up.

Luo Huasheng sat up, picked up his mobile phone and took a look. It was Lu Chunxiao's call. He subconsciously frowned and hung up.

Looking back, I looked at Zhao bingyue's room. The girl inside didn't know she was still sleeping. She had already stood up. The curtains were still like last night. They were pulled tightly and couldn't penetrate any light.

The mobile phone rang again. This time, it just rang. Luo Huasheng took it up and looked at it. It was a text message sent by Lu Chunxiao: "the Xu family is coming. They may come to seek justice for Xu Sui and the child. Come back and deal with it as soon as you have nothing. My second aunt is old and can't help you."

Who wouldn't say anything about the scene? I'm afraid Lu Chunxiao's mood at the moment doesn't know how excited she will be. She wants the Xu family to take it out and give Luo Huasheng a blow.

Luo Huasheng put away his mobile phone and turned to Zhao bingyue's room. There was still no movement in it.

He sighed, turned around, rolled down the wall and left the villa.

When Luo Huasheng returned to the Luo family, the main house of the Luo family had become a quarrel. It was not a quarrel, but pure heart to heart talk and gossip. Because there were many people, it was very lively.

It seems that the arrival of the Xu family was welcomed and warmly entertained by all the Luo family. When Luo Huasheng stepped into the main house, everyone's voice completely quieted down.

Bundles of angry eyes fell on the slowly approaching Luo Huasheng, as if he wanted to gouge out a piece of meat from him.

Luo Huasheng didn't give them any eyes from beginning to end. He looked ahead, walked steadily and vigorously.

"Mr. Luo is so powerful!" Xu Liwei is Xu Sui's father. When he saw that Luo Hua's raw silk was fearless and didn't pay attention to them at all, his anger became stronger.

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