Zhao bingyue and Xiaojie hurried downstairs. Xiaochen was frightened by nansirong's situation and burst into tears.

"Mr. Zhao, come and see Mr. Nan. I don't know what's wrong with him. Suddenly he fell on the ground and fainted. His face also became extremely abnormal. What's the matter?"

Zhao bingyue saw nansirong lying on the ground, and Xiaochen stood by him. His forehead was still red and swollen at the moment because of the fall he had just fallen, and his pale face was also extremely frightening.

"What's going on? Why do people suddenly do this? " Zhao bingyue squatted down and tried to wake nansirong up. "Didn't he just make me something to eat?"

How did it suddenly become like this?

Xiao Chen kept shaking her head. She didn't know what was going on.

"Summary, did you call an ambulance?" Zhao bingyue was worried about nansirong's situation and dared not delay his treatment time.

They didn't know what happened to nansirong. Seeing that nansirong had been unconscious, they dared not touch him again for fear of an accident.

"Already fighting." Summary: take out your mobile phone and shake your hand when dialing.

"Nansi Rong, Nansi Rong, wake up. What's the matter with you?" Zhao bingyue tried to touch his forehead, which was so cold that people trembled, "how could this happen?"

What really happened to Nancy Rong? How will she explain to his family in the future?

But what happened to him? Why did he still cook breakfast for her the last second and suddenly faint the next second?

He is not such a delicate person. It is said that he is in school and the captain of the school basketball team. How can his physical quality be so poor?

Nansirong didn't respond to Zhao bingyue's cry. He closed his eyes. If he hadn't breathed and heartbeat, Zhao bingyue would doubt him

Before long, the ambulance roared to the hospital. Zhao bingyue followed the doctors and nurses to take Nan Sirong to the ambulance and rushed all the way to the hospital.

Nancy Rong was pushed to the emergency room and soon to the operating room.

"Doctor, what's the matter with him and why he went to the operating room? Is his condition very serious?"

Zhao bingyue has seen the injury on nansirong's forehead. It's not going to be an operation in the operating room.

"He took poisonous drugs. We must operate on him immediately, otherwise the toxin will spread again and others will be more dangerous."

The doctor gave her a list and asked her to pay as soon as possible. Zhao bingyue looked at nansirong being pushed into the operating room, and her whole heart was pulled up.

Taking toxic drugs?

Zhao bingyue believed this kind of thing, but she never believed that nansirong would take toxic drugs on his own initiative.

"Mr. Zhao, I'll pay it for you." Summary took the initiative to replace her, and Zhao bingyue sat down in shock.

The waiting time was especially long. Xiaochen came back and sat next to her after paying the fee. Xiaochen was still crying, which made Zhao bingyue more and more upset. She wanted to think about nansirong. Her mind was blank and couldn't think of anything.

"NANs Rong, did he eat something that is out of date today?" Zhao bingyue murmured. She didn't know whether she was asking herself, a summary or Xiaochen.

"There's no expired food. He ate your breakfast, drank a glass of water, and then went to the kitchen to make breakfast for you." The summary is also very bad in my heart.

Although she had known Mr. Nan for a short time, she could see that nansirong was sincere to Zhao bingyue.

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