The joy in his heart rose to the boiling point!

"Brother Jin Yan, I have so little pocket money left. Are you sure you want me to invite you to dinner?"

"It's no use pretending to be pitiful. Who made a bet today. He was so determined that he even forced me to sign the military order?"


"Now that you've lost your bet, it's natural to keep your promise. In black and white, we should follow the spirit of contract."

"Hum, please, where come so much nonsense!"

"Well, let's go and see which restaurant to eat today. Is it Japanese food or the new steak restaurant? It's said that the steaks in their house are all airlifted in the morning every day. The top steaks! This price... "

"Fu Jinyan, I hate you."


From small to large, the act of protecting your small purse has never changed.

Fu Jin's words hook the corners of his lips, and his smile is deeper

Then from the angle that Tang Jinshe could not see, he took out his mobile phone and quietly operated something on the mobile phone interface.


"Hello, both of you. Your dishes are all ready. Red wine is on the way from the warehouse. It will be delivered later. Please understand!"

After checking all the dishes on the order, the waiter beside raised his eyes and said with a warm smile.

"By the way, my restaurant has rules. After all the dishes are served, you should check out at the counter first..."

"Waiter said, suddenly a meal, eyes in Fu Jin Yan and Tang Jin se face swam two times, this just cautious said:" excuse me, who is going to check out

The reason why the restaurant has launched this pre meal check-out is to prevent those customers who cheat and don't pay for the meal in order to eat the overlord

After all, in every place, more or less, it will explode this extremely rare 'variety' and do such things that people don't like.

On the dining table, the attractive fragrance is constantly spreading, which can easily arouse the deepest desire for delicious food in my heart

Fu Jin Yan hears the words, but he also picks his eyebrows and doesn't speak. He only looks at Tang Jinshe.

Obviously, he has no intention of paying!

"I'll go..."

After seeing the last glimmer of hope broken, a feeble harmony sounded from the right side of the waiter.

The waiter was shocked when he heard this. It seems that he didn't expect this meal to be invited by Tang jinsher.

After all, Fu Jinyan is dressed in expensive and elegant clothes. He looks handsome and distinguished

In her eyes, how to look like a successful person!

Looking at Tang Jinshe's action of standing up from his seat and taking his wallet out of his bag, a bold and incredible idea came to mind from the waiter.

Don't you

This gentleman is actually a little white face with a soft meal?

Or a phoenix man who is dedicated to his girlfriend?


In the short time of ten seconds when Tang Jinshe took his wallet, Fu Jinyan's impression on the waiter's heart was completely down!

It has been secretly labeled with numerous negative labels.

The original white marble floor tile walkway in the restaurant has long been covered with a layer of anti-skid felt, which greatly reduces the risk of guests' feet slipping and falling. Secondly, it is also the scene of this winter, so that the guests can feel warmer visually!

Tang Jinshe followed the waiter silently with vain and feeble steps until she reached the check-out counter on the first floor. Her dry mouth made a sound

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