"Since Miss Zhao and Watson have something else to do, I won't bother. Zongyuan has just been taken down by the servant. I have to coax him to sleep."

"What's the hurry?" Zhao bingyue's voice came softly again. "Miss Xu came here in person. It's not a routine to ask three times a day, okay?"

Zhao bingyue pointed to the thorny rose cut next to her and said naturally, "we just don't have enough hands here. Miss Xu wants to go back. There's a trash can in your direction. Please take it with Miss Xu and throw it away."

The natural tone seemed to call her as a servant.

"Miss Zhao, even if Watson doesn't want to admit my relationship with him, now that we live in the Luo family, we can also be regarded as the guests of the Luo family. Your way of hospitality is to ask the guests to do things for you?"

Zhao bingyue looked at Xu Sui in surprise: "are you a guest of the Luo family? Early this morning, you either broke into our yard and said you wanted to greet me, or when I was happy to cut flowers here, you suddenly ran out to disgust me. I thought you didn't treat yourself as a guest. "

Zhao bingyue didn't give her any face again. Her sarcastic voice didn't hide it, making Xu Sui's face livid.

"Is it too impolite for Miss Zhao to say that? Even if I'm not from the Luo family, Watson doesn't want to stand on my side. Would you go too far to disgust you? " Xu Sui didn't expect Zhao bingyue to tear her face in front of Luo Huasheng. She didn't even do surface Kung Fu.

Xu Sui was unprepared. She thought that no matter how much Zhao bingyue hated her, she would worry about Luo Huasheng's idea and would not pierce the last layer of window paper. Unexpectedly, she would be so straightforward that Xu Sui didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

"My politeness is for people who should be polite. Miss Xu stirred people's dreams in the morning, which is not what polite people should do."

"Zhao bingyue, I know that you have a lot of opinions about Watson and me, but now you own Watson, and I and my children are the ones whose mother and son are abandoned. Why are you so unreasonable, targeting and making trouble for me everywhere?"

Xu Sui clenched her fist. Even at this time, she didn't want to bow her head in front of Zhao bingyue and tried to let Luo Huasheng see Zhao bingyue's true face.

"Miss Xu is wrong. It's not me who targets others everywhere and even wants others' lives. Everyone knows that pregnant people are the most kind-hearted, but some people who love but can't, and their hearts are easy to become distorted."

Zhao bingyue went under Watson's hand, took the scissors again, closed and separated his hands, and walked in the direction of Xu Sui.

"What do you want? Zhao bingyue, don't mess around! " Xu Sui retreated vigilantly. Now Zhao bingyue, no one knows what she will do.

"What can I do? I'm just curious. If such semi rusty scissors stab into the meat, what will it taste like?" Zhao bingyue raised her eyes and looked at Xu Sui in a gloomy way.

Her expression was like a devil climbing up in hell. People couldn't help fighting the cold war. It was sunny, but Xu Sui felt cold all over.

She subconsciously asked Luo Huasheng for help: "Watson, take care of her. Zhao bingyue is crazy. She wants to kill!"

"Miss Xu's name is Watson. It's really close. People who don't know think you are the loving couple who have been married for many years."

Zhao bingyue approached Xu Sui step by step with a knife. Xu Shui was driven crazy by her. Luo Huasheng stood on her side and was indifferent.

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