"Lu Chunxiao is looking for me?" Zhao bingyue had just had a sip of soup when she heard the servant of bieyuan report.

Nansirong summarized that several people immediately became nervous and worried that Zhao bingyue would be bullied by Lu Chunxiao in the past.


Zhao bingyue raised her eyes, gave them a reassuring look, smiled and said to the servant, "go and tell the second lady that I have a child in my stomach. Today, I was frightened by Xu Sui's dog and was very uncomfortable. Ask her what's wrong. If she can't come over, let the servant pass a word."

The servant turned and left. Nansirong followed him with a sigh of relief. Xiao Chen said with a smile: "Mr. Zhao, this is the way. Why doesn't she come and let you go by yourself? She really treats herself as a green onion."

After understanding the character of the Luo family, Xiaochen and Xiaojie are more and more disgusted with the Luo family. These self righteous big people form a group to bully them. President Zhao is shameless!

In particular, Lu Chunxiao also helped Xu Xiaosan's son hold a wedding banquet. Even president Luo didn't admit the child. President Zhao didn't let Mrs. Luo out of her position. They were in such a hurry. It was really ugly to eat.

The summary pinched Xiaochen gently and asked her not to be too open-minded. After all, this is the Luo family, and Lu Chunxiao is also a relative of Luo Huasheng.

They look at the Luo family and Xu Sui from the perspective of Zhao bingyue. Naturally, they feel that these people are detestable, but Luo Huasheng is in the middle. His feelings and views are not necessarily the same as theirs.

"Come on, sister, have some of this." Nansirong broke the silence on the table and took the initiative to feed Zhao bingyue.

Luo Huasheng's face turned black and rushed in front of nansirong. He personally sandwiched Zhao bingyue's favorite dish: "eat this."

Nansi Rong looked at Luo Huasheng, and Luo Huasheng also looked directly at Nansi Rong. Their eyes met in the air and made a terrible spark. The air was filled with the smell of gunsmoke.

Summary and Xiaochen shrink up again to reduce their sense of existence. Zhao bingyue pushes her bowl and leaves the table: "you're full, take your time."

Nancy Rong: "..." gave Luo Huasheng a resentful look.

Luo Huasheng got up and followed him: "why do you eat so much? Do you have a bad appetite? Shall I have someone prepare you a pregnant meal again? "

"Now even if you prepare delicacies for me, I have no appetite." Zhao bingyue stopped and looked at Luo Huasheng. "By the way, if the second lady comes later, you let her wait downstairs. I'm a little sleepy. Go upstairs and have a sleep first. It would have been better if she hadn't come. "

Save her energy from dealing with her.

Although she came back not only to deal with Xu Sui, but also the accomplices of the Luo family, she was weak after all and had to break one by one.

The accounts of Lu Chunxiao's family are calculated slowly behind her.

Zhao bingyue then walked upstairs. Luo Huasheng stood where he was and didn't follow up, but she was still frightened by what she said.

Bingyue has really changed. She has changed a lot with the past. Luo Huasheng doesn't know whether such a change is good or bad for her.


After the servant went back to the main house and reported to Lu Chunxiao, Lu Chunxiao was so angry that he almost didn't turn over the quilt on the table.

"That's unreasonable. Anyway, I'm still her elder. She's so arrogant that she doesn't pay attention to me and asks me to go there in person because she has a seed of our Luo family in her stomach? She thinks too much of herself! "

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