Zhao bingyue suddenly thought of a man, but she didn't dare to confirm it. She could only weakly question the man in front of her: "who are you? Are you from the Luo family?"

The other party laughed and didn't answer her, just let Zhao bingyue guess.

If she guessed, she had to ask him?

Zhao bingyue had to skip the topic: "what are you going to do to me? Even if you don't want to tell me your identity, you can always tell me what you want to do?"

The man's voice approached with an evil force: "would you be afraid if I said I would kill you?"

Zhao bingyue thought, isn't this nonsense? Is it not fear that anyone feels first in the face of death?

"Guess how I'll let you die?"

I have to say that this person really likes to let people guess, but Zhao bingyue is the kind of person who doesn't like to guess the most.

"Why do you want my life?" Zhao bingyue continued to ask him, "someone paid you to take my life?"

"You really have a lot of problems. If you want to know so much, you can know everything in hell."

Zhao bingyue smiled sarcastically: "hell? Do you think there is hell in this world?"

"Don't try to procrastinate with me!" the other party pinched her jaw. Zhao bingyue could feel that the other party's hands were very smooth, not as rough as men, even like women

Is she a woman?

Zhao bingyue was secretly shocked, but if the other party was a woman, how could she have so much strength to bring her here?

Zhao bingyue pressed the confusion in her heart and continued to deal with each other. "It's still the Luo family here. You didn't take me away from the Luo family. Once Luo Huasheng finds out that I'm missing, he will find me at any time. At that time, even if you want to escape, it's hard to fly."

"So what?" the other party said with a low smile, "at that time, all of you will be dead. What can happen even if Luo Huasheng catches me?"

"Then you don't want to be with him again in your life." Zhao bingyue suddenly said, and took no precautions to make the other party silent for a moment, and then laughed again, "Zhao bingyue, who do you think I am?"

Zhao bingyue lowered her head and said calmly, "aren't you the male suitor of Luo Huasheng? Your voice is very similar to him."

The other party fell into silence again. Obviously, he was fooled by what Zhao bingyue said. Does Luo Huasheng have a male suitor?

However, it is normal for a high-quality man like him to attract many admirers, but who can think of... And so on.

"Are you deliberately bombing me?" the other party pinched Zhao bingyue's neck and tried to strangle her with a little force.

"Why, am I really right?" Zhao bingyue's breath in her lungs became thin again, and her face began to turn red. "Are you really his male suitor?"

When the other party didn't speak, Zhao bingyue continued: "It's his business for him to refuse you. You can't take it out on me if you don't get him. I'm really innocent of you killing me like this. Let me go. Anyway, I don't want to be with Luo Huasheng, but I don't want him to be with that bitch Xu Sui. If you let me go, I can help you. Luo Huasheng didn't completely refuse you, which means you still have a chance, but If you kill me, you can't escape yourself, let alone get Luo Huasheng. You know that he is the most jealous of evil. "

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