Zhao bingyue narrowed her eyes, looked at the front and said, "if she doesn't open her mouth, we'll pry open her mouth. Everyone will have weaknesses. As long as we find her weaknesses, we can make her disobedient?"

Zhao bingyue said that she had not received a response for a long time. Sitting beside her, Luo Huasheng has been looking at her with determination. Complex feelings spread in his dark eyes, as if questioning himself. How did he turn a simple Zhao bingyue into what he is today.

Does she still know him?

Luo Huasheng felt that even if they were close at the moment, the Zhao bingyue around him had become a lot strange.

She can devise strategies, she can calculate people's hearts, and she can retaliate.

But these, more than her suffering, are not worth mentioning. Even so, it can not stop Luo Huasheng's inner depression and sadness.

"What's the matter?" Zhao bingyue looked back at him, a little confused in her eyes, but soon saw the answer he had revealed on Luo Huasheng's face from Luo Huasheng's face. Zhao bingyue's heart tightened slightly.

She quickly turned her eyes away and continued to look at the shadow of the trees outside without expression. Then she smiled at herself from an angle that Luo Huasheng couldn't see.

She's changed, she knows.

"OK." Luo Huasheng suddenly took her hand, with a gentle smile on his face, nodded and promised her, "just do what you say."

He knew that Zhao bingyue had an impassable barrier in her heart. If she didn't let the barrier in her heart disappear here, she would never be happy.

Zhao bingyue opened her mouth. She didn't say anything more. She just nodded gently and looked tired. "I'm a little tired. Go upstairs and have a rest first."

She got up and left.

Luo Huasheng looked at her back and got up to send her away, but he felt the invisible sense of distance on her.


The next morning, when Zhao bingyue went downstairs, she found that the atmosphere downstairs was not quite right. Until she saw LAN Sirong, who had left for a few days, came back, she sat on the sofa and confronted Luo Huasheng. Even the air was full of gunpowder.

"Why did you come so early?" Zhao bingyue seemed not to see the tension between them and walked down the stairs step by step.

"Bingyue." when Luo Huasheng saw her coming down, he was going to get up and help her. Who knew that there was a man next to him who ran faster than him. He walked to Zhao bingyue in a few steps and said politely, "sister, why did you wake up so early? Shouldn't pregnant women sleep more? Some people abused you and made you sleep hard?"

As nansirong spoke, he did not forget to look back at Luo Huasheng. The pride in his eyes was hard to hide.

Zhao bingyue gently patted the sleeve of his outstretched hand and said, "don't be poor. I just went to bed too early last night and got up early in the morning."

When Luo Huasheng saw LAN Sirong, his face had already darkened. He walked to Zhao bingyue with a stiff expression. When talking to her, he tried to make his expression look less terrible: "are you hungry? I asked the servant to make you something to eat now?"

Zhao Bing subconsciously looked back at LAN Sirong: "did you have breakfast?"

Lansrong nodded subconsciously, but shook his head the next second and deliberately said, "sister, I didn't even have time to eat breakfast in order to come to see you earlier."

In order to make his expression look sincere, he rubbed his stomach: "I'm so hungry now!"

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