"Are you sure there is no mistake?" although Locke did not deal with Li Yinghui, he did not believe that Li Yinghui would do so.

"Yes, sir." the subordinate replied positively, "we found a surveillance near the victim's former work, in which Li Yinghui stood and talked with the victim, and the relationship between the two people doesn't seem to be a stranger."

Luo Huasheng took a gentle breath and said to his men at the other end of the phone, "transfer the monitoring to me."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Huasheng looked at the table with a grim face and said nothing in silence.

Zhao bingyue sat beside him and quietly accompanied him without asking anything.

After a while, Luo Huasheng took the initiative to say to her, "this matter involves Li Yinghui."

Zhao bingyue looked blankly: "who is Li Yinghui?" she didn't seem to have heard the name, and so on. She seemed to have heard it somewhere, but she couldn't remember.

"The world enemy of our family." Luo Huasheng smiled mockingly. "When I was driven out of the Luo family, no one helped me. I never thought that the Li family, who had fought with the Luo family all his life, would give me something to eat at that time."

If it weren't for the bowl of hot rice brought out by Li Yinghui's mother and the coat taken off by Li Yinghui himself, he would have died in that thing long ago, and he might not have met Song Yu or even Zhao bingyue.

Zhao bingyue opened her mouth in surprise and blinked her eyes gently. She had never heard Luo Huasheng talk about his past. The only understanding was from Song Yu.

But what Song Yu knows is only Luo Huasheng who was rescued by her. What happened before that? Luo Huasheng didn't want to say, and they didn't know.

Until now, because of Li Yinghui, Luo Huasheng is finally willing to reveal a few words, but Zhao bingyue feels a little sad and distressed.

At that time, Luo Huasheng was still young and had just lost his parents. He was pushed out of the Luo family and wandered outside alone

The more you think about it, the more suffocated you feel. Zhao bingyue quickly deviates from the beginning, as if this would make you feel better.

"If it was him, why did he..." Zhao bingyue wanted to say something, but thought of what Luo Huasheng said, the Luo family and the Li family are feuds, so no matter what the Li family wants to do to the Luo family, it is reasonable.

Even if Li Yinghui uses Xu Sui to return to Luo's house to bring down Luo Huasheng, even if Li Yinghui sets a trap for Luo Wenzhi, it seems reasonable.

But why now? Is this the real time?

Zhao bingyue feels wrong. Now the power of the Locke family falls in the hands of Luo Huasheng, and the Locke family's enterprise is also thriving. It's not so easy to break down the Locke family.

If the Li family wants to do it, they can choose before Locke returns to Locke's house, or before Locke returns to Locke's house but the foundation is not stable.

The more you think about Zhao bingyue, the more you can't find a clue. Countless strands seem to tie her head into a knot.

Luo Huasheng saw her tangled appearance and couldn't help but feel distressed: "don't think about it. The truth will come out sooner or later. The most important thing for you now is to take good care of your body and give birth to the child smoothly."

Luo Huasheng held her hands, but his eyes fell on her stomach. If their first child did not die, this would be their second child.

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