Fu Jin Yan gently stirred the brown sugar water in the pot with a long spoon, saying the excuses he had already thought out.

The cold and long-term vision fell in the place that Tang Jinshe couldn't touch, showing a soft tone different from it

Just on the way to the convenience store, he suddenly understood why the woman was talking in her dream

Maybe it's because the great aunt is here.

That's why I'm so afraid, so worried

I'm afraid that I will not take care of her body and do something drastic!

Leading to even dream, but also worried about it.

"Well, I see."

Tang Jinshe at the kitchen door heard the words, but for the first time in the world, he didn't have a trace of anger because of the man's speaking attitude.

But the eyes slightly drooped, and nodded silently to the back of the analytical long.

The light in the bottom of the eye is dim now

Smelling the sweetness wafting out of the kitchen, Tang Jinse's guilt at the bottom of his heart showed a sign of continuous fermentation.

"I'll go to the bathroom first!"


Suddenly, Tang Jinshe, who could not bear the conscience condemnation, turned around and fled. Fu Jinyan, who was stirring the soup, had no doubt about him, so he didn't put it on his body. He only focused on how to make the brown sugar water thicker, leaving only some of the essence of the soup.

Fu Jinyan boiled brown sugar water for the first time, not only Baidu knowledge, but also asked many people.

Just to make the best taste.


In the toilet.

Tang Jinshe turned on the tap, stood in front of the dressing mirror, then suddenly bowed his head, forced several cold water splashed on his face, trying to use this cool cold feeling to kill her guilt and uneasiness!

Although she had a reason

But deceiving is deceiving, wrong is wrong.

She didn't come to her aunt at all today, but she just lied to Fu Jinyan. In the ice and snow of this late night, she went to the convenience store to buy these women's supplies to deal with the physiological period!

The snow was so heavy when I came to Jinyuan. After such a long time of accumulation, the weather outside must be very severe.

She didn't know what Fu Jin Yan had experienced in that hour

But she knew that this hour, she was very warm in the quilt.

Thinking of this, Tang Jinshe felt more and more upset.

Looking at the wet face in the mirror, somewhere in Tang Jinshe's chest, he suddenly had severe pain!

She really didn't mean to cheat Fu Jin Yan

But in addition to deception, she really can't think of any other way, or anything else to say, to eliminate Fu Jinyan's attempt to stay close to her in bed.

But white lies, they are also lies.

In order to round a lie, she can only use more lies to fill and maintain

If she knew that Fu Jinyan was going to buy things for her at the convenience store, she would never watch even if she poked a lie. Fu Jinyan plunged into the dark and boundless snow night.

After all, what's the danger of traveling in snowy night?

Once something unexpected happens, how can she bear it!


Outside, there was no light in the black paint.

After Tang Jinshe came out of the bathroom for half a day, the brown sugar ginger water in the white porcelain bowl had already been brought to the dining room table.

The white smoke curling up is particularly obvious in the cold weather.

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