Just now there was a clue, Luo Huasheng found it.

"Sister, ice moon..."

Before he spoke, Song Yu handed him an invitation: "tonight, there is a charity party in Ersai palace. Li Yinghui should attend it."

Luo Huasheng picked up the invitation and looked at it. His eyes gradually became sharp.

"I heard that the girl surnamed Shen will also attend tonight's party," Song Yu added.

Luo Huasheng doesn't quite understand. Who is the girl surnamed Shen? He couldn't remember who it was for a moment. What did Song Yu mean when he suddenly mentioned her.

"Will bingyue be all right?" Luo Huasheng only worried about Zhao bingyue's safety.

Song Yu looked at him lazily and drank: "who knows, the rotten peach blossom you provoked involves bingyue. You can only solve the problem yourself. I have only one request. Don't let bingyue get hurt again. Otherwise, even if bingyue chooses to forgive you this time, I won't let you go."

Luo Huasheng frowned, "what are you talking about?" what is the rotten peach blossom he provoked? He doesn't know who the girl surnamed Shen is.

But it's no use asking too many questions at this time. What's important is that he must go to Zhao bingyue immediately to ensure her absolute safety.

Song Yuhuai is pregnant, so it's inconvenient to go with him. Luo Huasheng drives the car and drives towards Ersai palace.


Zhao bingyue was taken to a dinner party by Li Yinghui's people. There were a lot of people in it, all of whom looked like elites. Women were dressed up beautifully and moving.

The lights at the banquet were dim. Zhao bingyue swept around the crowd and didn't see Li Yinghui. There were strange faces everywhere, which made her feel uneasy.

"Where are we going?" Zhao bingyue asked the two men in black who followed her. Although they didn't escort her, the distance couldn't allow her to escape.

The man in black still didn't answer until the next second, the lights of the whole banquet hall dimmed, the surrounding conversation stopped suddenly, and everyone was at a loss and didn't know where to look.

Zhao bingyue looked around. It was dark around, and she didn't dare to move. She always felt that there was a poisonous snake in the dark, ready to attack and bite her neck at any time.

Her heartbeat suddenly became louder, and her hands subconsciously protected her abdomen, listening carefully to the movements around her.

Before her eyes could adapt to the darkness, the door behind them suddenly opened and the light beam spilled in from the outside. Zhao bingyue turned her head and saw Li Yinghui holding a woman's hand and slowly coming towards them from the direction of the door.

When Zhao bingyue saw the woman's appearance, her pupils tightened sharply. She didn't understand what she had a holiday with Li Yinghui. She always thought that Li Yinghui targeted her because of Luo Huasheng. Until this time, Zhao bingyue finally understood that Li Yinghui didn't just want to target Luo Huasheng through her.

To be exact, he came for her.

The woman beside Li Yinghui, since entering the banquet hall, saw Zhao bingyue standing in the crowd, a woman she will never forget in her life.

They once humiliated her in Luo Huasheng and let her be abandoned in public at the wedding. She will never forget the humiliation in her life!

Yes, the woman holding Li Yinghui's hand and walking towards them is Shen Yanxi who was with Luo Huasheng at the beginning!

Since the wedding, Shen Yanxi has disappeared. There is no news about her anymore.

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