How did she fall asleep last night? Why didn't she have any impression in her mind!

She remembered that she pretended to sleep in front of Fu Jinyan

But later.

She only felt confused in her head, and then there was no consciousness. Until she woke up from her sleep just now, she realized that the night had passed quietly.

Her clothes are neat and her body is not obviously uncomfortable

I think Fu Jinyan didn't do anything deviant to her last night.

Thinking of this, Tang Jinshe would lift the brocade quilt on his body, get out of bed and walk to the south window of the bedroom with his slippers. The floor was warm and cool, but he didn't notice a trace of coldness when he stepped on the thick slippers.


Dark curtains were pulled open, a world of silver, so through the huge glass window, unreservedly presented in front of Tang Jinshe.

The sky is bright, but there is no sunshine pouring down from the air

Last night's flying snow, I don't know how to recover it. All the branches and leaves outside the house are covered with different depths of snow.

Occasionally, one or two sparrows came out to look for food. Suddenly, they stopped to look around the branches and dusted the snow layer by layer.

But Tang Jinshe looked at it for a while, and soon took back his eyes on the white snow

Snow in winter is the only beautiful scenery in the four seasons of the year, but if a person looks at the snow for a long time, he is likely to suffer from snow blindness.

Light is after a few days of care, is able to restore vision

But seriously, it will really blind!

After being deliberately "intimidated" by Fu Jinyan as a child, even if Tang Jinshe liked to be with the ice and snow again, he would never dare to stare at the snow for a long time.

Fear of losing light

She has been deeply rooted in her heart.

In this way, Tang Jinshe returns to pick up her mobile phone and walks to the door. It's already 8:30. She has to think about how she can go to the company for a while.

After all, Fu Jinyan has left

As soon as she opened the bedroom door, Tang Jinshe thought it would be quiet, but she didn't expect that a sound of pots and bowls touching came from the direction of the kitchen!

She twisted her brow and made a few tentative steps forward.

Before she was really close to the kitchen, she came out of the kitchen with a long and thin figure. She still had a pan of freshly fried eggs in her hand. They were golden, shiny and fragrant

Full of the smell of fireworks.

But it's hard to hide the noble temperament of men.

Seeing this, Tang Jinshe's original steps suddenly stopped.

Fu, Fu Jin Yan?

Didn't he go?

How could it be in the kitchen


Sanguan suffered a fierce impact of Tang Jinshe, so he opened his surprised water eyes, and the words were blocked on the spot.

It was not until the man came to her and said, "you wake up!" she rubbed her eyes hard and finally confirmed that this was not her dream!

Fu Jin Yan, is he really cooking in the kitchen?

After last night's surprise of boiling brown sugar water, Tang Jinshe fell into an incomprehensible shock again.

Because in her impression, such a dignified and proud person as Fu Jinyan is not willing to enter the kitchen, a secular place full of the smell of smoke and oil

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