"Where have you been these two days?" Luo Huarui asked.

Those who want to escape can't escape after all. Luo Huanxi said weakly: "run... Follow sister-in-law Tang to France."

Her voice became lower and lower, and Luo Huarui seemed not to hear it: "huh?"

Luo Huanxi flushed his eyes, took Zhao bingyue's arm and cried for help: "sister-in-law Tang, help me..."

For their brothers and sisters, Zhao bingyue knew that she was just an outsider and couldn't interfere in their housework, but she couldn't say anything in the face of Luo Huanxi's help.

When he was in trouble, Luo Huasheng took her hand out of Luo Huanxi's hand and said coldly: "you went to France, but your cousin didn't ask you to go with you. You ran out without permission, and you will bear the consequences yourself. Tell your brother yourself."

Luo Huanxi looked at Zhao bingyue and Luo Huasheng who left and wanted to cry without tears, but what could she do? Her cousin Tang Sao didn't tell her brother that she almost killed her. She was very grateful, didn't she?

After Zhao bingyue left with Luo Huasheng, they don't know how Luo Huanxi faced her brother.

Luo Huasheng brought Zhao bingyue home. Soon the Luo family knew all about it. They had just got home with their front feet and had not had a good rest. Someone came at their back feet and said that Lu Chunxiao invited them.

"What did the second aunt tell us to do?" Luo Huasheng looked unhappy. Lu chunxiaoming knew that Zhao bingyue had children in her stomach. After flying back from France for so long, her body couldn't stand it. She still called them at this time. I really don't know what she meant.

"I don't know. The second lady ordered me to invite you over." the servant answered honestly.

Luo Huasheng's expression was very impatient. He casually said that he knew and sent Lu Chunxiao's servant away.

When Zhao bingyue saw that he had sent people away, she didn't mean to move. She couldn't help asking, "don't you go and have a look?"

"What's good? It seems that they don't all look like that?" Luo Huasheng just wants to be with Zhao bingyue.

This time, although it was a false alarm, he was still frightened. He wanted Zhao bingyue to stay by his side all the time.

"What if they have something important for you?" Zhao bingyue still thinks that Luo Huasheng should go and have a look, "you go, I won't go." so that she won't be upset when she sees Xu Sui.

Do you know what ecstasy soup Xu Sui gave to the people in Erfang and asked them to stand on her side and speak for her.

Luo Huasheng clearly has taken out the child's paternity test report, but the Luo family seems to ignore Xu Sui's words and the earliest paternity test report.

Luo Huasheng was reluctant to let him face every face in the second room of the Luo family. He would rather stay at home.

"Go, I'll go back to the house and sleep." Zhao bingyue said, got up and went upstairs.

Luo Huasheng quickly held her: "I'll take you up. I'll go there when you fall asleep."

Lu Chunxiao has something to do with him. Although she doesn't know what it is, she casually found a servant to call him. She didn't come to him personally like Luo asked to know that she was arrested last time, which shows that the matter is not urgent.

Since he is not in a hurry, he is not in a hurry to wait for the two room to wait. Let them know who has the final say in the family.

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