"Is that so?" the technician's face became dignified. He didn't know whether it was because he encountered a problem or something more difficult than he thought.

"What's the problem?" whose voice is Luo Huasheng? This handsome face is more cold and terrible than usual. No one in the company is not afraid of him.

The technician quickly replied: "the problem is not too big. If the mobile phone changes the number halfway after being affected, it may also be that the signal affecting the wife's mobile phone has identified the wife's mobile phone model, resulting in no matter how many cards the wife changes in the back."

Zhao bingyue's face turned a little white. She really didn't know who would use this method to make her. It really made her take great pains.

"What's going on when the mobile phone is turned off and can be turned on automatically?" Zhao bingyue asked again. She didn't know much about technology.

This time, she was not a technician, but Luo Huasheng beside her: "it's no use that this signal can make you change your card. It shows that he has sneaked into your system, and it's not a big problem to start it automatically for you."

Zhao bingyue is about to die of depression. I don't know who is so vicious. She specially uses such Yin moves to deal with her. Good skills don't need to be on the right path. It's unbearable to engage in such crooked ways.

Soon, the technicians found the source of the signal, and there was a small thing in a hidden flower bed downstairs under the window of their room.

The technician picked up the little thing with gloves, tested it with a special instrument, and said definitely, "it should be this thing. The corresponding program should be set up to attack the wife's mobile phone."

Naturally, that phone number does not exist, but with the existence of this little thing, that number is naturally like a living person, dialing Zhao bingyue's mobile phone again and again. When Zhao bingyue gets through the phone, no one will answer the other end, because there is no other person here at all.

"Don't get rid of the fingerprint on it and let someone test it. I'll see who took so much effort." Zhao bingyue couldn't help getting angry. No one would feel comfortable being played such a prank.

"The fingerprint has long been erased." Luo Hua frowned, stared at the little black thing in the technician's hand and asked him, "what's in it?"

The technician took out a small chip from the inside and didn't put it back. The moment the chip broke away from a shell, the signal detected by the instrument in the technician's hand disappeared.

"It seems that it's really her. The other party should only put this thing. For the sake of insurance, I continue to look around. I'll take this chip to the company for a good study, and maybe I can find the source."

In this way, maybe Shunteng can find the person who wants to harm Zhao bingyue.

Luo Huasheng nodded and agreed with him. Zhao bingyue had nothing to say. Although they had a common guess in their hearts, no one could predict the final result until they found conclusive evidence.

After the technicians left, Zhao bingyue, with her head down, looked at the place where the chip fell again: "who threw this chip here, can you find out?"

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