In the situation of no way to go, he can only make this guess in public!

He's gambling.

Bet on one possibility and one impossibility.

If this matter is really caused by Tang Jinshe, then this impossibility will become possible, and his dead road may turn around again and come back to life!

When Zhouji's voice falls, Lingxue comes downstairs at the right time, ready to pretend to be "going out to talk about things", and just hears Zhouji's question.

Will it be because of Tang Jinshe?

Ling Xue approached Fu Jin Yan slowly, with a dignified face, but the palm of her hand, which was hanging on her side, was scarlet by her fingernails because of her excessive grip.


Tang Jinshe was shocked by Zhou Ji's sudden name.

Apologize and kowtow?

With yourself?


Zhou Ji came to Shengshi group today to beg for mercy. Is it Fu Jinyan who killed him?

Why does Fu Jinyan do this?

Is it for yourself? Just for a moment, Tang Jinshe denied his mind.

No way!

That night he always looked at himself as a stranger.


Fu Jin Yan follows Zhou Ji's line of sight and falls on Tang Jinshe. He tears his lips and has a long and narrow eyes without words. In Zhou Ji's eyes, it seems to be a full hint.

Zhou Ji immediately stumbled forward and knelt in front of Tang Jinshe with a bang.

Tang Jinshe: "..."

"Miss Tang, I have no eyes. Miss Tang doesn't care about villains."

Bang bang bang.

Zhou Ji was really flustered this time. He went to the doctor in a hurry and kowtowed three heads in a row.

When they saw it, they immediately exclaimed. Unexpectedly, a former president of this hall even begged for mercy to a girl.

Zhou Qian quickly pulled forward, embarrassed.

"Dad, what are you doing? What are you kowtowing to this woman?"

Lost dead people.

Lingxue's eyes have become more sinister.

It's really for the sake of Tang Jinshe


Zhou Ji kowtows, looks at Tang Jinshe with a confused face, and then looks at Fu Jinyan with keen eyes.

"Mr. Fu, I have apologized to Miss Tang. Could Mr. Fu please let me go?"

When Fu Jin Yan heard the words, he still looked the same, as if Zhou Ji's words did not affect his mood at all!

After a pause, Fu Jinyan's deep voice continued to ring.

"Miss Tang, who just knelt down as president Zhou, is not an employee of our company."

"The eldest miss of the Tang family, Tang Jinshe! Although she is not the employee of Shengshi, isn't it because of her that Mr. Fu ordered me to be banned? "

No trace was found on Fu Jinyan's face, so Zhou Ji had to spread out the matter completely, saying the taboo of Tang Jinshe.


Fu Jinyan's eyebrows were raised, which made him suddenly aware of the intention of Zhou's words: "President Zhou, you don't think I'm trying to embarrass you for Tang Jinshe, do you? If you think so, it's really funny. Do you think Fu Jinyan, who has been in charge of Shengshi group for such a long time, will be a person who can't distinguish between public and private affairs, or between weight and importance? "

Zhou Ji is stunned, and Ling Xue, who is behind Fu Jin Yan, is also shocked.

It's not for Tang jinsher. What is it for?

Tang Jinshe's expression is the same when he hears the words. It's expected.

How could he pull a president down for himself.

I'm afraid Zhou Ji just kowtowed himself three times.

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